Harry and Leah Day biography in Risen, <i>Jewels of Maine</i>

1997 - <a href='http://www.amazon.com/Some-Jewels-Maine-Jewish-Pioneers/dp/0805942068/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1311870313&sr=1-1'><i>Some Jewels of Maine: Jewish Maine Pioneers

Click here if the pdf does not appear: Harry and Leah Day

Thank you to Celia C. Risen author , <i>Some Jewels of Maine: Jewish Maine Pioneers</i> for the article

People: Julius Sussman; Rachel Leah Day; Lapidus [LastNameNotKnown] ; Frances Day; Israel Day; Meyer Day; Donald Day; [First Name Not Known] Mrs Graffman ; Dora Day Isaacson; Pete Isaacson; Irving Day; Frances Miller; Shirley Nadel
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