These wonderful photographs have a number of unidentified faces.
If you recognize someone (or think you recognize someone), please add the
information in the comment box on each page or send an email to
dmj at
12 girl scouts and 2 scout leaders
(date not known) - Elizabeth Stevens
3 Bangor women
(circa 1900) -
A carpenter inside Bangor JCC
(date not known) - Bangor Public Library
a group listening to a speaker
(date not known) - Elizabeth Stevens
Adolph (Abe) Friedman honored with plaque for service to Israel
(Dec 1954) - Bangor Public Library
Arthur Lipsky and Another on "City of Bangor"
(date not known) - Paula Adelman
AZA (Bangor) Basketball Team
(1933) - Avra Grodinsky Novarr
B'nai B'rith Membership Record of D A Rosen
(1949-1950) - Bangor Public Library
Bangor Community Center Seder - 1947 cat the Jewish Community Center , Somerset St., Bangor
(1947) - Ellen Russell
Bangor Community Hebrew School, 3rd & 4th Graders
(1978) - Bangor Public Library
Bangor Eagle Scouts and their project "It�s a picture of me, David Berg, on the left, leading my Eagle Scout project in 1980 at the JCC/Hebrew Academy of Bangor. The project was to build storm windows for the long hallway in the school wing."
(1981) - Bangor Public Library
Bangor Groundbreaking for Addition to JCC
(1960) - Bangor Public Library
Bangor Group of 23 Women
(date not known) - Avra Grodinsky Novarr
Bangor Hebrew School - Medal winners
(1946-1947) - Marcia Lieberman
Bangor Hebrew School Kindergarten 1953
(12/1/1953) - Judy Gatchell
Bangor High School football team, newspaper photo
(1926) - Wilma Richlin Antman
Bangor JCC Group Photo during WWII
(1942) - Judy Gatchell
Bangor JCC Nomination Committee
(1974) - Bangor Public Library
Bangor JCC Nursery School Class of 1955
(1955) - Bangor Public Library
Bangor JCC trip to NY and DC
(circa 1959) - Gail Kaprow Ginsberg
Bangor Jewish Community Center Nursery School Graduation
(circa 1956) - Annette Chason
Bangor seder moment
(date not known) - Bob Stern
Bangor Theatre presentation
(1948 circa) - Priscilla Grossman Williams
Bangor United Jewish Appeal Campaign Cabinet
(1978) - Bangor Public Library
Best Campers, Camp Sasone there are other campers seated in the background
(1969) - Bangor Public Library
Bnai Brith speaker event
(date not known) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Sasone children 'running' on a log and swimming
(date not known) - Elizabeth Stevens
Camp Sasone group photo
(1980) - Linda Thompson
Camp Sasone Group photo with thirteen campers and five counselors
(date not known) - Elizabeth Stevens
Captain Gordon shows 'Flying Torah,' Bangor
(1945) - Bangor Public Library
Captain Gordon, pilot, and 'Flying Torah,' Bangor
(1945) - Bangor Public Library
Cast of Awake and Sing at Bangor JCC
(date not known) - Gail Kaprow Ginsberg
Celia and Leo Viner Wedding Photograph
(circa 1947) - Diane Medwed Cohen
Chanukah lighting
(12/7/1969) - Amy Rolnick
Cohen shop, Bangor
(c. 1930) - Bangor Public Library
Community News Vol 1 no 1 top half of cover page
(Oct 25 1938) - Elizabeth Stevens
Community Newsletter
(2011) - Paula Rolsky
Community Newsletter - page 3 Cover page and second page is missing;
(Sept 1990) - Paula Rolsky
Community Newsletter - page 4 Cover page and second page is missing;
(Sept 1990) - Paula Rolsky
Community Newsletter I
(2011) - Paula Rolsky
Cooper, Medwed and Pilot Family at community dinner
(circa 1947) - Diane Medwed Cohen
Dance Party II
(date not known) -
David Rubinoff and Mertice Ashby marriage under the chupah Box 13 Folder 8
(1942) - Elizabeth Stevens
Eight kids in winter clothes
(date not known) - Elizabeth Stevens
Eight Women at the JCC
(1957) - Bangor Public Library
Eighteen young graduates in full white graduation gowns
(date not known) - Elizabeth Stevens
Family gathered for dinner
(circa 1967) - Amy Rolnick
Family Passover Seder, Bangor
(c. April 1940) - Bangor Public Library
Five men working around a table
(date not known) - Bangor Public Library
Five women and a young girl
(circa 1950) -
Five women from long ago
(date not known) - Bob Stern
Five young children holding 'We are One' posters
(date not known) - Elizabeth Stevens
Five young guys
(date not known) - Marcia Lieberman
Four women from long ago
(date not known) - Bob Stern
Four young children cooking together
(date not known) - Elizabeth Stevens
Fourteen men at a working lunch
(date not known) - Elizabeth Stevens
Friendship Club outing to Lakewood Theater Gertrude Berg was Molly Goldberg
(date not known) - Paula Rolsky
Gimpel Strair Memorial Board - Beth Abraham (Bangor) IV
(2019) - Mike Rolnick and Paul Schneider
Group at a picnic
(date not known) - Paula Rolsky Adelman
Group Gathering
(date not known) - Paula Adelman
Group of well dressed young men
(date not known) - Marcia Lieberman
Gussie Smith Memorial Board - Beth Abraham (Bangor) III
(2019) - Mike Rolnick and Paul Schneider
Harold Gordon with 'Flying Torah,' Bangor
(1945) - Bangor Public Library
Harry Cohen and family
(date not known) - Bob Stern
Hebrew Academy of Bangor children's demonstration with signs reading - We Are One
(date not known) - Elizabeth Stevens
Hebrew school classroom with fifteen students
(date not known) - Bangor Public Library
Hebrew school meal
(date not known) - Elizabeth Stevens
Hebrew School Medal Winners
(1946-1947) - Bangor Public Library
Israel bonds fund-raising dinner, Bangor
(c. 1970) - Bangor Public Library
Israel Bonds Fundraiser with key note speaker Sen William Cohen Box 13 Folder 13
(1970s) - Elizabeth Stevens
Israel Bonds fundraising dinner, Bangor, 1970s
(c. 1970) - Bangor Public Library
Israeli Student Visitors in Bangor
(1979) - Bangor Public Library
Jewish Community Center Arts and Crafts Room
(1948) - Marcia Lieberman
Jewish Community Center Nursery School
(1945) - Marcia Lieberman
Kenneth Grossman - Bar Mitzvah Group photo
(1960) - Priscilla Grossman Williams
Large group of twenty somethings
(circa 1925) - Linda Gotlib Rich
Marcia Berson's Eighth Birthday Party
(date not known) - Marcia Berson Lieberman
Members of Beth Abraham Players “The Odd Couple”
(1977) - Bangor Public Library
Minsky Family Photograph Box 13 Folder 5 - see finders aide for names
(date not known) - Elizabeth Stevens
Mohawks Basketball Team
(circa 1924) - Marcia Lieberman
Mrs Goldberg and Ruth Goldsmith
(1910ca) - Marcia Lieberman
Nine children and their teacher
(date not known) - Elizabeth Stevens
Penobscot Poultry Co. exhibit
(date not known) - Marcia Lieberman
Penobscot Poultry Company
(date not known) - Marcia Lieberman
Ping pong game with six young people
(date not known) - Elizabeth Stevens
Play rehearsal at JCC This was a rehearsal for a production of The Odd Couple at the JCC: Jeffrey Kirwan
(date not known) - Bangor Public Library
Portrait of a baby
(date not known) - Bob Stern
Portrait of a couple
(date not known) - Elizabeth Stevens
Portrait of a young man
(date not known) - Bob Stern
Portrait of sixteen men in two rows
(date not known) - Elizabeth Stevens
Portrait of Solomon and Annie Costrell with their three children Box 18 Folder 49 -see finders aide for additional descriptions
(date not known) - Elizabeth Stevens
Portrait of two couples I
(date not known) - Bangor Public Library
Portrait of two men and one woman
(date not known) - Bangor Public Library
Poultry Trade Show, Penobscot Poulty Co
(1955 ca) - Marcia Lieberman
Queen City Market owned by the Gotlib Family of Bangor
(date not known) - Judith Fish Cohen
Regional UJA Conference from
(October 16, 1981) - Bangor Public Library
Rolnick Auto Supply
(date not known) - Amy Rolnick
Rolnick family photo
(circa 1950) - Amy Rolnick
Rothstein Family
(date not known) - Marcia Berson Lieberman
Sam Smith Memorial Board - Beth Abraham (Bangor) I
(2019) - Mike Rolnick and Paul Schneider
Sam Smith Memorial Board - Beth Abraham (Bangor) IV
(2019) - Mike Rolnick and Paul Schneider
School photo - Tante Ittel Group Box 13 Folder 16
(date not known) - Elizabeth Stevens
Senior Citizens Friendship Club 3rd Annual Dessert Fashion Show
(May 21, 1969) - Bangor Public Library
Setting up shop, Bangor, 1902
(1902) - Bangor Public Library
seven kids and Sparky the Fire Dog
(date not known) - Bangor Public Library
Seven men at Ground Breaking Ceremonies
(Apr-60) - Elizabeth Stevens
Seven women and one man at the JCC for Chanukah
(date not known) - Elizabeth Stevens
seven young children and their teacher
(date not known) - Elizabeth Stevens
Share, Miller, Striar, Hartstone and Seiden Families, Pine Street Box 8 Folder 23
(1938) - Elizabeth Stevens
Shari Lewis and two kids with face paint
(date not known) - Elizabeth Stevens
six boys and a coach on a basketball court
(date not known) - Elizabeth Stevens
six kids and their teacher cooking a meal
(date not known) - Elizabeth Stevens
Six men at a community dinner
(date not known) - Elizabeth Stevens
Six young girls singing on a stage
(date not known) - Elizabeth Stevens
Sixteen little kids with their two teachers
(date not known) - Bangor Public Library
Smith Rolnick Wedding at JCC Bessie was also known as Brindle: Amy Rolnick
(Feb 4 1934) - Lynn Higgins
Sons and Daughters of Zion
(6/9/1920) - Norman Minsky
State Zionist Convention Box 6 Folder 22
(June 3-4, 1944) - Elizabeth Stevens
Striar/Cooper Family Seder
(1947) - Sheila Striar
Striar/Cooper Family Seder 1
(1947) - Sheila Striar
Sweet 16 Dance Party Bangor 1958
(1958) - Paula Adelman
Sweet 16 Dance Party Bangor 1958 II
(1958) - Paula Adelman
Sweet 16 party
(date not known) -
Sweet 16 Party
(Year not known) - Judy Chamoff Gatchell
Tefillen Group, Beth Israel Synagogue
(date not known) - Marcia Berson Lieberman
ten boys, two girls, and a teacher next to a piano
(date not known) - Elizabeth Stevens
Ten campers and their counselor basketweaving
(date not known) - Elizabeth Stevens
Ten young graduates and their teacher
(date not known) - Elizabeth Stevens
The Rolnick sisters
(date not known) - Amy Rolnick
Three children playing with trucks
(date not known) - Elizabeth Stevens
Three kids and three adults in JCC doorway
(date not known) - Bangor Public Library
Torah Dedication
(1929) - Susan Cummings-Lawrence
Twelve young boys making model airplanes
(date not known) - Elizabeth Stevens
two children drawing in a classroom
(date not known) - Elizabeth Stevens
Two children in costumes for Sukkot
(date not known) - Elizabeth Stevens
Two men and a woman working together
(date not known) - Elizabeth Stevens
Two men on the front porch
(date not known) - Bob Stern
Two men playing guitars
(date not known) - Elizabeth Stevens
Two parents and a child in front of old car
(date not known) - Paula Adelman
Two women and two men at a banquet table
(date not known) - Bangor Public Library
Two women and two men posing in front of a prop
(date not known) - Elizabeth Stevens
Two women working on a painting
(date not known) - Elizabeth Stevens
two young graduates in full white graduation gowns
(date not known) - Bangor Public Library
Two young performers with Shari Lewis
(date not known) - Elizabeth Stevens
Unknown child
(date not known) - Beverly Shapiro?
Unknown man with moustache
(date not known) - Bob Stern
Vacation to the Catskills
(circa 1975) - Marcia Lieberman
Viner family photo
(date not known) - Marcia Lieberman
Viner group photo
(date not known) - Marcia Lieberman
Visiting JCC Liss Memorial Building 2 adults,2 girls a boyscout and a man in uniform on the steps of LISSMemorail Building
(May 1952) - Bangor Public Library
Wedding of David Rubinoff and Mertice Ashby, Beth Israel, Bangor, 1942
(1942) - Bangor Public Library
Wedding photo from Lieberman family
(date not known) - Marcia Lieberman
Wedding portrait of young couple
(date not known) - Bob Stern
William Leffler II , A Study of Congregation Ahawas Achim, Bangor, Maine for 1849 to 1856 from the Minutes of the Congregation
(May 1957) - Avraham Tracy / David Freidenreich
Woman in the drivers seat
(date not known) - Bob Stern
Woman with young boy
(circa 1950) - Bob Stern
Woman with young child
(date not known) - Bob Stern
Worked for Max Ginsberg 1
(date not known) - Marcia Berson Lieberman
Worked for Max Ginsberg 2
(date not known) - Marcia Berson Lieberman
Yaacov Zerubavel Speaking at the U.J.A
(date not known) - Bangor Public Library
Yiddish book title page published in Russia in 1890
(1890) - Elizabeth Stevens
Youth community dinner
(date not known) - Elizabeth Stevens
Camp Modin Boys and Counselor with Kipot pg 88 "Camp Modin has always had a small group of traditional Jewish campers. This 1939 photograph shows Orthodox young boys in their suits and yarmulkes"
(1939) - Camp Modin
Boothbay Harbor
Couple on the Dock My great aunt and uncle. Rose was Sadie Reuben\'s younger sister: Jay Baker
(circa 1955) - at OOB Gathering Aug 2011
1955 Temple Beth Jacob Confirmation Class
(1955) - Temple Shalom
Berman brothers On right is either Ben Berman or Jacob Jack Berman, charlotte Wernick's father: Jocelyn Pollard
(circa 1928) - Jessica Pollard Lantos
Beth Jacob Choir on the Bimah with Rabbi Berent Many thanks to Malca Wilner for identifying 3 people. Ida Wilner is third from the left in the front row. It is believed that Esther Shapiro is the first one on the left in the second row and Gerda Haas is third from the left in the second row.
(circa 1945) - Anne Thorner Stack
Beth Jacob Confirmation Class Group Photo with Rabbi Berent
(1958) - Abe Peck & Jean Marcus Peck
Center Youth Installation Lewiston Daily Sun
(10/28/1957) - Roz Cohen Kaufman
Cong Beth Jacob Congregational Photo
(date not known) -
Lewiston Auburn couples around table
(circa 1949) - Roni Friedman
Lewiston Auburn JCC Chanukah Play
(December 1967) - Susan Ross
Lewiston JCC Field Trip
(circa 1970) -
Lewiston, Me : Jewish Census Data 1920
(1920) - the Colby College Maine Jewish History Project (2011)
Lewiston, Me : Jewish Census Data 1930
(1930) -
New Years Eve Party : Friedmans, Schwartzs, Goldblatts, and other guests
(Year not known) - Roni Friedman
Sisterhood Event in Lewiston (?)
(1950s) - Roni Friedman
Stephen Levine's Bar Mitzvah celebration at the Elm Hotel, Lewiston
(1955) - David Cohen
The Ward Family
(date not known) - Elliott Epstein
YMHA Basketball Champs
(1912 ) -
Beth Abraham- 7 women in Confirmation Class
(1958) - Temple Shalom collection
Beth Abraham- 9 women in Confirmation Class
() - Temple Shalom collection
Eight Women Portrait
(no known) - Temple Shalom collection
Fifteen children public school photo
(May 22 1968) - Temple Shalom collection
Five Person Confirmation Class Beth Abraham
(no known) - Temple Shalom collection
Lewiston-Auburn Awards Dinner
(1958) - Temple Shalom collection
(2007) - Phyllis Graber Jensen
A Pictorial History of Lewiston-Auburn Jewry (Revised 2024) 117 slides with photographs and historical research
(2024) - Elliot L Epstein
Act from Play with John Isaacson and an unidentified woman
(date not known) -
Beth Jacob Hebrew School Class
(1917) - Judy Abromson
Beth Jacob Hebrew School students
(1917) - Temple Shalom Collection
Blood Drive Sponsored by the Jewish Community Center Women's League
(date not known) - Temple Shalom
Brownie Group photograph - Gilda Trober party
(1945) - Faith Bornstein Canner
Bunny Bornstein, Bates Varsity Team
(circa 1930) - Lisa Bornstein Brand
Chanukah celebration at Temple Shalom
(2017) - Phyllis Graber Jensen
Harris Isaacson - golfing at Summit Springs
(date not yet known) - Estate of Marilyn Isaacson Simonds
Harry, Eva Isaacson and their extended family
(about 1930) - Estate of Marilyn Isaacson Simonds
Haverim luncheon - Ethel Lifshitz, Dorothy Lifshitz, and 15 other women and one man
(date not known) -
JCC Chanukah Celebration
(1954) - Temple Shalom Collection
JCC formal dance
(date not known) - private collection
JCC New Year's Eve Dance I
(1969) - Elliott Epstein
JCC New Year's Eve Dance II
(1960) - Elliott Epstein
JCC Teenage Choral Group
(1950s) - Temple Shalom Collection
JCC Youth Activities : Purim play
(1960s) - Temple Shalom Collection
Jewish Community Center Dance Committee
(Nov 21 1958) - Lewiston Daily Sun, Lewiston-Auburn
Lewiston Auburn Hebrew School Graduation Class
(1955) - Roz Cohen Kaufman
Lewiston Auburn Jewish fraternity leaders
(circa 1962) -
Lewiston Jewish Community Center formal dinner
(circa 1965) -
Lewiston-Auburn awards presentation - four men
(date not known) -
Lewiston-Auburn Jewish Community Center (1950-1975 5711-5736) 25 Years of Service And Activity Brochure, Part Two
(1975) -
Maine Council of B'nai Brith confers plaque to Maine U S Senator and later Secretary of State Edmund Muskie
(date not yet known) - Temple Shalom Collection
New Year's Eve Party - Lewiston-Auburn - two couples dancing
(date not known) -
Passing the leadership gavel - two men
(date not known) -
Phil Isaacson and family after climbing Mt Washington at age 85
(2009) - Estate of Philip M. Isaacson
Picnic with the Tarr (Lewiston) and Russakoff (Skowhegan) families
(1920 circa) - Harris Gleckman
Seven Alpren Sisters
(1930s) - Estate of Marilyn Isaacson Simonds
Thanksgiving Day school program at Lewiston JCC
(1969) -
Twin Cities birthday party
(date not known) - Roz Cohen Kaufman
Twin Cities J.C.C. Panel Discussion
(1/29/1957) - Roz Cohen Kaufman
Twin Cities Jewish Community Center Bulletin - Center Youth
(November, 1955) - Roz Cohen Kaufman
Two girls wheeling in lunches
(circa 1970) -
Two women at award presentation
(date not known) -
Two women at Jewish Community Center
(date not known) -
Ward Brothers Family photo
(1954) - Elliott Epstein
World Jewish Children's Day - signing photo with Gov Ed Muskie
(1957) -
YMHA Basketball
(1912) - Temple Shalom
North Windham
"Lake Viewers" sign at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(circa 1962) - Jessica Lantos
"The Joe Taylor's"
(May, 1951) - Jessica Lantos
14 Center Day Camp campers
(circa 1962) - Jessica Lantos
a Center Day Camp (CDC) baseball game
(circa 1960) - Jessica Lantos
a counselor organizing a baseball team
(circa 1960) - Jessica Lantos
Alan Hirsch and others
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Archery at Center Day Camp
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Archery at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(circa 1960) -
Archery at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Archery at Center Day Camp (CDC) II
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Archery lesson at Center Day Camp
(date not known) -
Archery lesson at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(circa 1970) - Jewish Community Alliance
Awaking camper at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(circa 1960) - Jessica Lantos
Bag on the Head Race
(date not known) - Jessica Lantos
Baker, Blumenthal, Modes, Sax, Taylor, and Webber at CDC Picnic
(May, 1951) - Jessica Lantos
Baseball game at Center Day Camp
(circa 1965) -
Basketball game at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(circa 1970) -
Boating at Center Day Camp
(1973) - Jewish Community Alliance
Boating at Center Day Camp I
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Boating at Center Day Camp II
(July 1958) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
boy campers having lunch
(circa 1962) - Jessica Lantos
Boys Basketball - Center Day Camp
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Boys dressed up at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Boys group at Center Day Camp (CDC) behind office
(date not known) -
Boys group skit at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(circa 1970) -
Boys skit on stage at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(circa 1964) -
Camp Counselors at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(1950s) -
Campers gathered at Center Day Camp
(circa 1962) - Jessica Lantos
Campers on the Lower Ball Field at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(1979) - Jewish Community Alliance
Candid group of campers at Center Day Camp
(c1997) - Jewish Community Alliance
Candid group of campers at Center Day Camp I
(c1997) - Jewish Community Alliance
Carnival booth at Center Day Camp
(c1969) - Jewish Community Alliance
Center Day Camp
(1956) - Ellen and Don Ward
Center Day Camp : Group of Twelve Girls
(1951 circa) - Maxime Nathanson Sobol
Center Day Camp Girls with crowns and torches
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) CITs
(c1976) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) Girls' Camp Group Photo VI
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) - Campers after a Swim
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) - Campers Sack Race
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) Arts and Craft building
(circa 1960) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) at lunch time
(circa 1960) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) Athletics Staff
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Center Day Camp (CDC) ball game
(circa 1960) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) Boat building
(date not known) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) boy camper
(circa 1960) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) Boys Camp Group Photo 1
(c1979) - Jewish Community Alliance
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group II
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group III
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group IV
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group IX
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group L
(7/1/1972) - Saul Marcus
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group LI
(circa 1973) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group LII
(circa 1974) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group LIII
(c1979) - Jewish Community Allaince
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group LIV
(c1979) - Jewish Community Alliance
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group LV
(circa 1980) -
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group LVI
(circa 1980) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group LVII
(circa 1980) - Jewish Community Alliance
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group LVIII
(circa 1982) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group V
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group VII
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group VIII
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group XIX
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group XL
(circa 1963) - Jeffrey Finegold
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group XLII
(circa 1964) - Jeffrey Finegold
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group XLIII
(circa 1965) - Jeffrey Finegold
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group XLIV
(circa 1965) - Max Gordon
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group XLIX
(c1970) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group XLV
(circa 1965) - Max Gordon
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group XLVI
(c1968) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group XLVII
(circa 1968) - Max Gordon
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group XV
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group XVI
(date not known) - Beryl Cole
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group XVII
(circa 1949) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group XVIII
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group XXI
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group XXII
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group XXIII
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group XXIV
(1950 circa) - Steve Joachim
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group XXIX
(1952 circa) - Steve Joachim
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group XXV
(circa 1950) -
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group XXVI
(circa 1950) -
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group XXVII
(circa 1950) - Jewish Community Alliance
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group XXVIII
(1951 circa) - Steve Joachim
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group XXXI
(circa 1955) - Alan Woolf
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group XXXII
(circa 1955) -
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group XXXIII
(circa 1959) - Alan Woolf
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group XXXIV
(circa 1959) - Alan Woolf
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group XXXV
(circa 1960) - Alan Woolf
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group XXXVI
(summer 1960) - Don Levi
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys group XXXVII
(circa 1960) -
Center Day Camp (CDC) Boys in Arts and Crafts
(circa 1959) -
Center Day Camp (CDC) boys on kick boards
(circa 1960) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) bus
(circa 1960) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) by the Lake 1
(circa 1962) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) by the Lake 2
(circa 1962) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) by the Lake 3
(circa 1962) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) by the Lake 4
(circa 1962) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) by the Lake 5
(1961) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) camp scene
(circa 1960) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) camper learning to dive
(circa 1960) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) Campers 2
(circa 1962) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) Campers 3
(circa 1962) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) Campers 4
(circa 1962) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) campers collecting their lunch and clothes
(Jul-63) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) campers cooking hot dogs on the beach
(Aug-60) -
Center Day Camp (CDC) campers lining up for their buses I
(circa 1960) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) campers lining up for their buses II
(Jul-63) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) campers on the swing
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) campers preparing to return home
(Jul-63) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) class outside
(circa 1960) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) class outside 2
(circa 1960) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) counselor at the beach
(circa 1960) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) Director and staff
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Center Day Camp (CDC) Family Day 1
(circa 1998) - Shirley Rosen
Center Day Camp (CDC) Family Day 2
(circa 1998) - Shirley Rosen
Center Day Camp (CDC) Family Day 5
(circa 1998) - Shirley Rosen
Center Day Camp (CDC) Games
(May, 1951
) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) Games
(date not known) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) Games 1
(circa 1962) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) Games 2
(circa 1962) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) Games 3
(circa 1962) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) girl swimmer 1 on kick board
(circa 1960) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls group I
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls group II
(date not known) - Cynthia Rudek Pedlikin
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls group III
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls group IV
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls group IX
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls group V
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls group VI
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls group VII
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls group VIII
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls group X
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls group XI
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls group XII
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls group XIV
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls group XIX
(circa 1950) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls group XL
(Jul-72) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls group XLI
(circa 1972) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls group XLII
(c1975) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls group XV
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls group XVI
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls group XVII
(circa 1949) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls group XVIII
(circa 1950) - Paula Rosengard Boxer
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls group XXII
(circa 1950) -
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls group XXIII
(1952 or 1953) - Barbara Nyman
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls group XXV
(circa 1953) -
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls group XXVI pg 90 "CDC is located on Sebago Lake. . . . "
(1953 or 1954) - Sandy Burokoff Gerber
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls group XXVII
(circa 1953) - Barbara Nyman
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls group XXVIII
(circa 1954) - Barbara Nyman
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls group XXX
(circa 1960) -
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls group XXXI
(1960) - Elaine Millman Alexander
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls group XXXII
(1960) - Elaine Millman Alexander
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls group XXXIV
(1961) - Elaine Millman Alexander
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls group XXXV
(circa 1965) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls group XXXVI
(circa 1965) -
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls group XXXVII
(c1968) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls group XXXVIII
(circa 1968) -
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls XLIII
(circa 1978) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls XLIV
(early 1980s) - Rebecca Harper
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls XLV
(circa 1984) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls XLVI
(1988) - Beryl Cole
Center Day Camp (CDC) girls XLVII
(July 1989) - Beryl Cole
Center Day Camp (CDC) group I
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) group II
(c1979) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) group IX
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Center Day Camp (CDC) group swim
(circa 1960) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) group V
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Center Day Camp (CDC) group VI
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Center Day Camp (CDC) group VII
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Center Day Camp (CDC) group VIII
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Center Day Camp (CDC) group X
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Center Day Camp (CDC) group XI
(Jul-76) - Jewish Community Alliance
Center Day Camp (CDC) group XII
(circa 1978) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) group XIII
(early 1980s) - Rebecca Harper
Center Day Camp (CDC) group XIV
(early 1980s) - Rebecca Harper
Center Day Camp (CDC) group XVII
(Jul-97) - Jewish Community Alliance
Center Day Camp (CDC) how to start a fire
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp (CDC) Meeting of Directors
(July, 1951) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) Meeting of Directors #2
(July, 1951) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) parents and campers
(circa 1960) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) performing on the back stage
(1960) - Elaine Millman Alexander
Center Day Camp (CDC) Picnic & Meeting
(July, 1951) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) Picnic 2
(July, 1951) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) Picnic with Michael Sacknoff, Joe Taylor and Ben Webber
(July 1951) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) pit fire with a counselor and two campers
(Jul-60) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) pit fire with a counselor and two campers
(date not known) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) Sabbath queen and cohort This had to have been Shabbat services at CDC. Each week a different girls group served as the Sabbath Queen and her cohorts.I remember the little group walking through the woods to the clearing where Friday afternoon services were held and they were
(circa 1953) - Ellen and Don Ward
Center Day Camp (CDC) sports field with campers
(circa 1960) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC) Staff
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Center Day Camp (CDC) Waiting in Line for an Overnight
(circa 1962) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC): At the lake 1
(circa 1962) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC): At the lake 2
(circa 1962) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC): Dave Astor roasting hot dogs
(July 1951) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp (CDC): Lunch time
(circa 1962) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp , Same Group of Boys, 1951c , 1952c, 1953c
(1951, 1952, 1953) - Steve Joachim
Center Day Camp - The Staff
(1965) - Judy Halpert
Center Day Camp 2 rowboats full of boys
(circa 1950) -
Center Day Camp archery
(circa 1960) -
Center Day Camp Baseball game
(circa 1950) -
Center Day Camp Boating
(circa 1950) -
Center Day Camp boys around a fire
(circa 1950) -
Center Day Camp boys basketweaving "I loved basket weaving at CDC so much that I've saved the basket I made there in the 1950s. We sat on the rocks at the water's edge so we could dip the reeds in the water to make them more pliable for weaving." Karen Kornetsky
(circa 1955) -
Center Day Camp boys group I
(circa 1950) -
Center Day Camp boys group II DUPLICATE TO REMOVE
(circa 1950) -
Center Day Camp boys on the Tarzan swing
(circa 1961) - David Small
Center Day Camp building a lean-to
(circa 1950) -
Center Day Camp candid group photo
(circa 1959) - Dr. Henry Pollard
Center Day Camp Carnival
(circa 1950) -
Center Day Camp carnival day
(circa 1950) -
Center Day Camp director and campers on beach
(circa 1960) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp first graders
(circa 1982) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp Friday services
(circa 1960) -
Center Day Camp full camp photo
(circa 1960) -
Center Day Camp girls greet visitors
(circa 1972) - Jewish Community Alliance
Center Day Camp girls leading services
(circa 1950) -
Center Day Camp group of 5 girls Image is backwards, so if image gets rescanned, the names would be in the other order.
(circa 1961) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp group of girls and counselor
(circa 1950) -
Center Day Camp just off the bus
(circa 1950) -
Center Day Camp performance in the Rec Hall
(circa 1950) -
Center Day Camp Performance of Mr Ed
(circa 1960) -
Center Day Camp Picnic
(1951) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp picnic lunch
(c1960) - Jessica Lantos
Center Day Camp Pictures (Cover photo boys and counselor)
(date not known) - Beryl Cole
Center Day Camp services on the beach
(circa 1955) -
Center Day Camp skit day
(circa 1974) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp Staff
(summer 1960 circa) - Stephanie Gerber Stern
Center Day Camp staff 1972
(circa 1972) - Nancy Millman Guadiane
Center Day Camp staff photo
(1979) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Day Camp staff pyramid 1972
(circa 1972) - Jewish Community Alliance
Center Day Camp swim lessons
(circa 1950) -
Center Day Camp tetherball game
(circa 1950) -
Charlie French and work crew at Center Day Camp
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Counselors at Center Day Camp
(circa 1970) -
Counselors on the raft
(circa 1950) -
Crazy costumed group of boys
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Crazy costumed group of girls
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Dedication of the Shwartz Building
(circa 1979) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Docks at Center Day Camp
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Early Days at Center Day Camp
(date not known) - Jessica Lantos
Early Days at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(late 1940s) - Jessica Lantos
Eating lunch at Center Day Camp
(circa 1973) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
eight girl campers at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(circa 1962) - Jessica Lantos
Eleven campers getting slowly into the water
(circa 1960) - Jessica Lantos
Eleven girls dressed up
(date not known) - Cynthia Rudek Pedlikin
First Aid training at Center Day Camp
(date not known) -
Five campers with whipped cream on their faces heading home on the bus
(Jul-82) - Jessica Lantos
Five Center Day Camp (CDC) counselors or parents preparing a meal
(circa 1950) - Jessica Lantos
Five Smiling Girls at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(July 1962) - Jessica Lantos
Flag Lowering at Center Day Camp
(circa 1980) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Flag Lowering at Center Day Camp - wide shot
(circa 1980) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Four girl campers at Center Day Camp
(circa 1960) - Jessica Lantos
Free swim at Center Day Camp
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Free swim at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(date not known) -
Free swim at Center Day Camp (CDC) II
(circa 1965) -
Free swim at Center Day Camp (CDC) III
(circa 1965) -
Friday services at Center Day Camp
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
George Shur and a Center Day Camp (CDC) Baseball Game
(circa 1962) - Jessica Lantos
George Shur and Dave Astor at Center Day Camp (CDC) 50th
(1999) - Jewish Community Alliance
George Shur and three other Center Day Camp (CDC) counselors
(circa 1960) - Jessica Lantos
George Shur preparing food over a fire at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(date not known) - Jessica Lantos
George Shur with four campers
(circa 1960) - Jessica Lantos
Getting ready for boating at Center Day Camp
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Getting ready for Shabbat at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(date not known) - Jewish Community Allianc
Gimp in Arts and Crafts
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Girls dressed up for Topsy Turvy Day
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Grilling by the Fire
(circa 1962) - Jessica Lantos
Group of campers outside the Shwartz Building
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Group of campers with blue tongues
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Group of counselors
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Group of girls at Center Day Camp (CDC) getting ready for a group swim
(circa 1960) - Jessica Lantos
Group photo of Center Day Camp boys
(circa 1965) -
Harold Potter & his daughter, Cindy , on the swings at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(May 1951) - Jessica Lantos
Headstands on the ballfield at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Holding up Flags of the World
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Indoor Activities at Center Day Camp
(circa 1971) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Israeli visitors at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(date not known) -
Kevin Gillis, Mike Schwartz and Four Other Boys at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(circa 1962) - Jessica Lantos
Kids dressed up in 80s clothing
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Learning a craft at Center Day Camp
(circa 1967) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Learning to dive
(date not known) -
Learning to Dive at Center Day Camp
(date not known) - Jessica Lantos
Learning to paddle
(date not known) -
Learning to start a fire at Center Day Camp
(circa 1960) -
Let the Games Begin
(date not known) - Jessica Lantos
Lifeguards at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Lining Up for a General Swim - Center Day Camp
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Lunch at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(circa 1974) - Jewish Community Alliance
Lunch at Center Day Camp (CDC) II
(circa 1960) - Jessica Lantos
Lunch at Center Day Camp (CDC) III
(circa 1960) - Jessica Lantos
(date not known) - Jessica Lantos
Making a lean-to at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(circa 1960) -
Matthew Pollard, Ken Silver and Two Other Boys and their counselor at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(circa 1962) - Jessica Lantos
Meeting time at "Kamp Korner"
(circa 1962) - Jessica Lantos
Mingling at the new Shwartz building
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Mingling at the new Shwartz building II
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
More campers having lunch
(circa 1960) - Jessica Lantos
Napping at Center Day Camp
(date not known) - Jessica Lantos
New bima at Center Day Camp
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
New Horizons with Olympics banner
(1994) - Jewish Community Alliance
Nine Center Day Camp (CDC) campers
(circa 1960) - Jessica Lantos
Not the happiest campers
(circa 1950) -
On the trampoline
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Outdoor Service - Center Day Camp
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Pie eating at Center Day Camp
(circa 1950) -
Playing a clapping game at camp
(circa 1970) -
Putting on a show at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Putting on a show at Center Day Camp (CDC) I
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Ready to perform at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Ready to run in the Shwartz Building at Center Day Camp (Center Day Camp (CDC))
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Rest time under the big top
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Resting at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(circa 1962) - Jessica Lantos
Riflery at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(circa 1965) -
Rosenblooms at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(1951) - Jessica Lantos
Ruth Ann Hugo, Mimi Brooks, Judy Glovsky and the "Welcome to HoneyHive" sign
(circa 1962) - Jessica Lantos
Sabbath Queens at Center Day Camp
(9/1/1959) - Jessica Lantos
Sacknoffs, L Lavin, an G Potter at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(1951) - Jessica Lantos
Sailing at Center Day Camp
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Sally Pollard and Four Other Campers at Meal Time
(circa 1962) - Jessica Lantos
Senior adult visitors at Center Day Camp
(circa 1965) -
Services at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(circa 1955) -
Seven Center Day Camp (CDC) girl campers
(circa 1960) - Jessica Lantos
Seven girls at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(circa 1962) - Jessica Lantos
Singing at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(circa 1962) - Jessica Lantos
Singing on the stage of the Rec Hall
(circa 1995) - Jewish Community Alliance
Sitting on the stage in the Rec Hall at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(1970) - Jewish Community Alliance
Six Center Day Camp (CDC) counselors Image might be backward, as Steve Novick said this was not him but everyone else said it is. Steve wears watch on other wrist in all other photos
(circa 1960) - Jessica Lantos
Six Center Day Camp (CDC) swimming instructors
(circa 1960) -
Six girl campers having lunch
(circa 1960) - Jessica Lantos
Skit Day at Center Day Camp
(circa 1971) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Skit time at Center Day Camp
(date not known) -
Sleeping camper at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(circa 1960) - Jessica Lantos
Smiling group of girls
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
Softball game at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(date not known) -
Standing on Raft at Center Day Camp
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Storm damaged building at Center Day Camp
(date not known) -
Swimming at Center Day Camp (Counselor with Five Campers on Kickboards)
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Swimming at Center Day Camp I
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Swimming at Center Day Camp II
(c1960) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Swimming at Center Day Camp III
(1950s) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Swimming at Center Day Camp IV
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Swimming at Center Day Camp V
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Swimming at Center Day Camp VI
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Swimming lessons at Center Day Camp
(circa 1959) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Swimming Session at buddy call - Center Day Camp
(1949) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Swimming Session at Buddy Ring Board - Center Day Camp
(1950 circa) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Taking a Dive in the lake
(circa 1962) - Jessica Lantos
Three boy campers at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(1962) - Jessica Lantos
Too much fun
(circa 1962) - Jessica Lantos
Tug O War at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(1940s) - Jessica Lantos
Two campers playing baseball at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(Jul-82) - Jessica Lantos
Two Center Day Camp (CDC) yellow camp buses
(Jul-63) - Jessica Lantos
two counselors with lots of kids having lunch
(circa 1960) - Jessica Lantos
Vic Taylor and 41 Center Day Camp (CDC) counselors
(circa 1960) -
Visiting Center Day Camp
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Visitors in front of new Shwartz Building at Center Day Camp
(circa 1980) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Visitors to Center Day Camp
(circa 1972) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Volleyball at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(circa 1964) -
Waiting on the waterfront
(1972) - Jewish Community Alliance
Waiting to shoot layups at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(circa 1972) - Jewish Community Alliance
Watching tetherball at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
What Next?
(date not known) - Jessica Lantos
Women's group at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(Aug-60) - Jessica Lantos
Working on the playing fields at Center Day Camp
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Young swimmer at Center Day Camp (CDC)
(circa 1960) - Jessica Lantos
Youngest campers eating lunch
(circa 1973) - Jewish Community Alliance
Youngest campers under the big tent
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance
3 candid Camp Lown snapshots
(date not known) - Paula Rolsky Adelman
4 candid Camp Lown snapshots
(date not known) - Paula Rolsky Adelman
Barney Bloom article
(date not known) - Paula Rolsky Adelman
Boat regatta, Camp Lown
(c. 1957) - Robin Spero Rubinstein through Maine Historical Society
Boy with Lots of Books at Camp Lown
(circa 1948) - Phil Wiener
Bunk 3 Camp Lown campers and their counselor
(1950) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown - Archery
(1965 ) - Sheila Berman
Camp Lown - Bunk 10 Group Photo of Girls
(1951) - Priscilla Grossman Williams
Camp Lown - girls bunk
(1946) - Charlotte Schwab (Rolnick)
Camp Lown - Golf
(1965) - Sheila Berman
Camp Lown - Group bunk photograph
(1965 ) - Sheila Berman
Camp Lown 10th Anniversary photo
(circa 1955) - Paula Adelman
Camp Lown 1950 Counselors II
(1950) - Norman Jim Gould
Camp Lown 1950D
(1950) - Norman Jim Gould
Camp Lown : Eight summer camp counselors
(date not known) -
Camp Lown : 8 counselors
(date not known) - Barbara Podolsky
Camp Lown : a camper
(date not known) - Barbara Podolsky
Camp Lown : a female counselor
(date not known) - Barbara Podolsky
Camp Lown : a group of girls with a counselor
(date not known) - Barbara Podolsky
Camp Lown : a male camper
(date not known) - Barbara Podolsky
Camp Lown : Abe Sachar and Four Men Louis Shapiro was the first president of Brandeis. it was an exciting time! having President Sarchar and Phil Lown at camp shortly after Israel had become a state: Barbara Shapiro
(1950) - AJHS (American Jewish Historical Society)
Camp Lown : distributing a camp newspaper
(date not known) - Barbara Podolsky
Camp Lown : Five girl campers
(date not known) -
Camp Lown : four boys in a line
(date not known) - Barbara Podolsky
Camp Lown : four boys on playing field
(date not known) - Barbara Podolsky
Camp Lown : four girls having fun
(date not known) - Barbara Podolsky
Camp Lown : large group of campers all in white shirts
(date not known) -
Camp Lown : large group of campers outside bunk
(date not known) - Barbara Podolsky
Camp Lown : learning boxing
(date not known) - Barbara Podolsky
Camp Lown : men counselors in group photo
(date not known) -
Camp Lown : one counselor at bat
(date not known) - Barbara Podolsky
Camp Lown : one girl on the sports field
(date not known) - Barbara Podolsky
Camp Lown : one slightly unhappy young camper
(date not known) - Barbara Podolsky
Camp Lown : one women camper
(date not known) - Barbara Podolsky
Camp Lown : raising the flag
(date not known) - Barbara Podolsky
Camp Lown : rehearsal for a play I
(date not known) - Barbara Podolsky
Camp Lown : rehearsal for a play II
(date not known) - Barbara Podolsky
Camp Lown : rehearsal II
(date not known) - Barbara Podolsky
Camp Lown : rehearsel I
(date not known) - Barbara Podolsky
Camp Lown : seven girl campers and their three counselors
(date not known) -
Camp Lown : Seven girl campers in front of their bunk
(date not known) -
Camp Lown : single girl beside bunk
(date not known) - Barbara Podolsky
Camp Lown : single happy boy I
(date not known) - Barbara Podolsky
Camp Lown : single happy boy II
(date not known) - Barbara Podolsky
Camp Lown : Single unhappy little boy
(date not known) - Barbara Podolsky
Camp Lown : three campers in a boat
(date not known) - Barbara Podolsky
Camp Lown : three guys standing on each other
(date not known) - Barbara Podolsky
Camp Lown : Three well dressed girl campers
(date not known) -
Camp Lown : two boys on the sports field
(date not known) - Barbara Podolsky
Camp Lown : two girl campers
(date not known) - Barbara Podolsky
Camp Lown : two girl campers in front of Camp Lown honor Bunk sign
(date not known) -
Camp Lown : two girls having fun
(date not known) - Barbara Podolsky
Camp Lown : Two girls on stairs
(date not known) - Barbara Podolsky
Camp Lown : two girls with cameras
(date not known) - Barbara Podolsky
Camp Lown : two sleeping girl campers
(date not known) -
Camp Lown : two young women campers
(date not known) - Barbara Podolsky
Camp Lown : women counselors group photo
(date not known) -
Camp Lown : young boys with counselor
(date not known) - Barbara Podolsky
Camp Lown : young campers in uniforms
(date not known) - Barbara Podolsky
Camp Lown archery
(date not known) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown boy in a sailor cap on stage
(date not known) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown boys basketball
(date not known) - Paula Rolsky Adelman
Camp Lown boys basketball game
(circa 1952) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown Boys bunk
(date not known) -
Camp Lown boys group between the trees
(date not known) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown boys group on the stairs
(date not known) - Paula Rolsky Adelman
Camp Lown boys group photo
(date not known) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown boys group photo II
(1952) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown camp photo 1949
(circa 1949) - Paula Adelman
Camp Lown camp photo 1956
(circa 1956) - Paula Adelman
Camp Lown camp photo 1957
(circa 1957) - Paula Adelman
Camp Lown camp photo 1961
(circa 1961) - Paula Adelman
Camp Lown canoeing
(date not known) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown Counselors 1959
(1959) - Paula Adelman
Camp Lown entire camp
(date not known) - Paula Adelman
Camp Lown entire camp II
(date not known) - Paula Adelman
Camp Lown entire camp photo
(circa 1947) - Paula Adelman
Camp Lown Friday Night Services
(1947) -
Camp Lown friends
(date not known) - Marcia Lieberman
Camp Lown Girls
(late 1950s) - Paula Adelman
Camp Lown girls bunk
(c1961) - Paula Rolsky Adelman
Camp Lown girls bunk 11
(circa 1954) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown girls bunk 2
(circa 1953) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown Girls Bunk 9
(circa 1955) - Priscilla Grossman Williams
Camp Lown girls bunk photo
(1959) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown girls group
(date not known) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown girls group
(circa 1955) - Barbara Kominsky Burry
Camp Lown girls group I
(circa 1952) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown girls group I
(circa 1955) - Barbara Kominsky Burry
Camp Lown girls group II
(circa 1955) - Barbara Kominsky Burry
Camp Lown girls group III
(circa 1955) - Barbara Kominsky Burry
Camp Lown girls group IV
(circa 1955) - Barbara Kominsky Burry
Camp Lown golf lessons
(date not known) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown group building with sticks
(date not known) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown group of friends
(1948) -
Camp Lown Group Photo "Rather than sneakers or moccasins, the campers often wore leather street shoes. Also interesting are the tee-shirts with various Camp Lown logos, each logo probably representing a different year." Harvey Lipman
(1956) - Harvey Lipman & Sam Lipman
Camp Lown group photo
(date not known) - Marcia Lieberman
Camp Lown group photo bunk 1
(date not known) - Marcia Lieberman
Camp Lown Group Photo on large rock \"Rather than sneakers or moccasins, the campers often wore leather street shoes. Also interesting are the tee-shirts with various Camp Lown logos, each logo probably representing a different year.\" Harvey Lipman
(1957) - Harvey Lipman & Sam Lipman
Camp Lown Group Picture
(1951) - Paula Adelman
Camp Lown Hebrew group
(circa 1947) - Paula Rolsky Adelman
Camp Lown honor bunk
(circa 1955) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown Keren Ami Carnival
(circa 1947) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown Keren Ami Carnival I
(circa 1947) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown kids studying Hebrew
(date not known) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown Maccabiah badge
(date not known) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown Maccabiah badge I
(date not known) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown Maccabiah badge II
(date not known) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown Maccabiah badge IV
(date not known) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown Maccabiah badge V
(date not known) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown meeting in the rec hall
(date not known) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown meeting on the lawn
(date not known) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown on the beach
(date not known) - Paula Rolsky Adelman
Camp Lown reunion photos I
(circa 1980) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown reunion photos II
(circa 1980) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown reunion photos III
(circa 1980) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown reunion photos IV
(circa 1980) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown reunion thank you letter I
(circa 1980) - Paula Rolsky Adelman
Camp Lown reunion thank you letter II
(circa 1980) - Paula Rolsky Adelman
Camp Lown reunion thank you letter III
(circa 1980) - Paula Rolsky Adelman
Camp Lown staff
(date not known) - Paula Rolsky Adelman
Camp Lown staff photo
(date not known) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown staff photo 1960
(circa 1960) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown staff photo I
(date not known) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown staff photo I
(date not known) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown staff photo II
(circa 1960) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown swim lessons
(date not known) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown tennis lesson
(date not known) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown volleyball
(date not known) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown waterskiing
(circa 1959) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown women photos V
(1961) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown women staff photo
(date not known) - Paula Rolsky
Camp Lown, Boys Bunk
(1955 circa ) - Marlene Baker Cohen
Camp Lown, Boys Bunk 4
(1952 circa ) - Marlene Baker Cohen
Candid Camp Lown snapshots I
(circa 1958) - Paula Rolsky
Candid Camp Lown snapshots II
(circa 1959) - Paula Rolsky
Candid Camp Lown snapshots III
(circa 1958) - Paula Rolsky
Candid Camp Lown snapshots IV
(circa 1955) - Paula Rolsky
Candid Camp Lown snapshots V
(date not known) - Paula Rolsky
Counselors in training, Camp Lown
(1958) - Robin Spero Rubinstein through Maine Historical Society
Counselors, campers, Camp Lown
(c. 1959) - Robin Spero Rubinstein through Maine Historical Society
Eight Boys, Camp Lown
(circa 1948) - Phil Wiener
Eight Girls at Camp Lown
(circa 1948) - Phil Wiener
First Camp Lown Reunion with 1946 campers
(April 20, 1947) - Rich Cowan
Friday Night in Camp Lown Dining Hall
(Circa 1947) - Paula Rolsky
Friday night services at Camp Lown, Oakland, 1947
(1947) - Natalie Cohen
Girl's Group at Camp Lown, Summer 1948
(1948) - Cindy Potter Taylor
Greetings from Camp Lown
(circa 1954) - Paula Rolsky
Group Photograph - Camp Lown
(1950 circa) - Norman Jim Gould
Janice Berman & Others at Birch Crest Summer Camp
(1933/1934) - Cindy Potter Taylor
Junior counselors, Camp Lown
(c. 1960) - Robin Spero Rubinstein through Maine Historical Society
Lakeridge ManorTheatre Production
(circa 1955) - Carol Clingan
Performance, Camp Lown
(c. 1957) - Robin Spero Rubinstein through Maine Historical Society
Shabbat Service, Camp Lown, Oakland Many people in photo but no mention of names in description
(1947) - Colby College Special Collections
Six Girls at Camp Lown
(circa 1948) - Phil Wiener
Ten Boys at Camp Lown
(circa 1948) - Phil Wiener
Three Girls at Camp Lown
(circa 1948) - Phil Wiener
Two Boys at Camp Lown
(circa 1948) - Phil Wiener
Waterskiing, Camp Lown
(c. 1960) - Robin Spero Rubinstein through Maine Historical Society
Old Orchard Beach
Annual Convention Maine State Zionists
(7/4/1926) - Karen Kornetsky Levine
Bertha Bornstein Girl Scout Leader Farewell
(1956) - Lisa Bornstein Brand
Lafayette Hotel, Old Orchard Beach, Celebration With Gov P Baxter
(September 10, 1922) - Elaine Crasnick Kahaner
Nelson, Thorner, Cook women
(June, 1924) - Molly Schwartz Cinamon
Old Orchard Beach group I took the photos with my Brownie camera. I was 15 years of age, and
the others are about the same age.
I took the photos with my Brownie camera. I was 15 years of age, and
the others are about the same age: Charlotte Rolnick Schwab
(8/1/1948) - Charlotte Rolnick Schwab
Pauline, Martha, Lenore Osherowitz and Two Friends at Old Orchard Beach
(1931) - Gloria Bailey
Sadie, Aunt Beatrice and Maxine at the beach
(date not known) - Maxine Kessler
Shefshick Kids and Friends in front of The Lafayette Hotel and Annex. "Umbrellas and chairs for rent by the Atlantic Sun and Beach Service (ASBS). " Bernard Blotner
(late 1950s) - Bernie Blotner
Summer lovin'
(07/04/11) - Bangor Public Library
York and Cumberland County Jews Host Governor Percival Baxter at the Lafayette Hotel, Old Orchard Beach caption on photograph : Reception at Hotel Lafayette Old Orchard Sept 10, 1922 as Governor Purcevil P Baxter by Hebrews of York and Cumberland Counties in recognition of many kind deads of His Excellency
(Sept 1922) - Harold Goodkowsky, Abe Peck, Jean Marcus Peck, and Jennie Aranovitch and
"The Hasty Heart" Jewish Community Center Theater
(May, 1951) - Jessica Lantos
"Wizard of Oz" Theatre presentation - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
10 Candy Stripers
(circa 1950) -
12 people at the JCC
(circa 1950) -
14 girls dressed like immigrants
(circa 1950) -
16 smiling kids at JCC
(circa 1950) -
16 young boys at JCC
(circa 1953) -
2 women in grass skirts and one other woman
(circa 1965) -
32nd Anniversary Dinner for the Jewish Home for the Aged held at the Jewish Community Center
(1961) - Cedars, Portland
4 elderly women and 1 man seated in front of bimah at old Shaarey Tphiloh
(1930s ?) - Cedars Nursing Home
5 people on stage at JCC
(circa 1950) -
5 teens around a table
(circa 1950) -
6 people posing
(circa 1965) -
8 smiling women
(circa 1950) -
8 teenagers at JCC
(circa 1950) -
9 children on stage at JCC
(circa 1948) -
For Teenagers Only , The Dave Astor Show "The Dave Astor Show, For Teenagers Only was Maine's version of American Bandstand. Astor invited students from Maine high schools to be part of the weekly audience and participate along with his troupe of lip-synching regulars. The show ran from
(1956) - Abe Peck & Jean Marcus Peck
A couple donating to the Jewish Home with Gov John Reed
(date not known) - Cedars Nursing Home
A Father and Son (?) photograph - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
A Resident and A Nurse at the Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
A resident and nurse at the Jewish Home for the Aged, Portland, undated
(06/13/11) - The Cedars
A Tribute to Mrs Sam Seiger with Rosenbloom, Cinamon, Bernstein, Waterman, Diamond, Chasson, and another Men at the Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Aaron Goldman, janitor - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Abenaki Riding Club, Portland, ca. 1935
(c. 1935) - Maine Historical Society
Abraham Seigal, Another Man and Two Women at a Portrait Dedication at the Jewish Home for the Aged
(1948) - Cedars, Portland
After dinner crowd at JCC
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Am Chofshi gay pride, Portland, 1990
(1990) - USM Sampson Center for Diversity through Colby College Special Collections
Am Chofshi, Portland, 1990
(1990) - Jean Byers Sampson Center for Diversity in Maine, University of Southern Maine
Americanizing Jewish youth, Emerson School, Portland, 1919
(1919) - Maine Historical Society
Announcements at the sports banquet
(circa 1970) -
Appel, Baum, Bernstein, Cope, and Other Men Outside the Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Appel, Bernstein, Waterman and Two Other Men Inside the Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Archery at the JCC
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Arnold Potter and a woman rehearsing for a JCC play I
(date not known) - family of Dave Astor
Art & Crafts Vacation Jamboree - Jewish Community Center
(1947) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Arts and Crafts at the JCC
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Astor, Cox, Drees and Two Other People
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Astor, Packet and One Other Person - Jewish Community Center Theater Workshop
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Astor, Pollard, Shilling, Shur and Five Other Men at the Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jessica Lantos
Award winners on stage Sports banquet. Susan Gillis won a trophy for foul shooting contest
(circa 1960) -
Award winners with Jim Connolly Gino Cappilletti on rt was original member of NE Patriots
(circa 1960) -
Awarding a check From Harold Hugo: The guy on the right was the President of E. W. Bliss Co. of Canton Ohio who purchased PC and TW. Don't recall his name.
(circa 1965) -
Awards Day
(date not known) - family of Dave Astor
Baile Bornstein Lighting The Fourth Candle On Chanukah With Her Classmates Behind Her
(1956) - Abraham A Schechter
Balloons ready to fall
(circa 1960) -
Barney Shur and 3 men
(date not known) -
Bas Mitzvah class, Portland
(1961) - Maine Historical Society
Baseball - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Basketball game at JCC
(circa 1950) -
Baum, Cope, Bernstein, Schwartz and Four Other People Examining Construction at the Jewish Home for the Aged - I
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Baum, Three Other Women and Two Men At Dinner at the Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Bekritsky, Bennett, Nelson, Three Other Men and Five Women in a group portrait
(date not known) - Jessica Lantos
Bekritsky, Briggs, Goodman, Two Other Men and Two Women at a Banquet at the Jewish Home for the Aged
(1/18/1960) - Cedars, Portland
Bekritsky, Goodman, Zolov and Three Other Men Inside the Jewish Home for the Aged
(1952) - Cedars, Portland
Ben Band and A Woman At Jewish Book Month
(1954) - Abraham A Schechter
Ben Band, Portland Jewry: Chapter VII Philanthropy and Social Life (pgs 32-42)
(1955) - the late Frances Gleckman
Ben Band, Portland Jewry: Chapter III Laying the Foundation (pgs 10-15)
(1955) - the late Frances Gleckman
Bermuda Trip Dance - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Bernstein, Aranson, and Three Other Men Standing Inside the Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Bernstein, Cope and Others Outside the Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Big crowd in the JCC gym
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Bingo at the JCC
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Bowling Lanes at the Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Boy Scouts
(date not known) - Helen Bernstein Cook
Boy scouts at the JCC
(date not known) -
Boy scouts with parents and Native American
(circa 1950) -
Boy Scouts with proud parents at JCC
(circa 1950) -
Boy scouts, boys and young woman with volleyball
(circa 1950) -
Boy's Basketball II - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Boys Athletics at the Jewish Community Center, Portland "After this picture was taken at the Portland JCC around 1960, these guys are still friends" : Abe and Jean Peck - photograph also appears in their book
(date not known) -
Boys in Native American costume
(date not known) -
Brickman, Shur, Goldman families
(date not known) - Steve Brickman
Camp Fire Girls Chanukah Celebration
(Dec 1951) - Abraham A Schechter
Cantor Messerschmidt and a confirmation class Temple Beth El
(date not known) - Cynthia Rudek Pedlikin
Cantor Samuel Zimelman and Two Other Men
(date not known) - Paul Zim
Card game at the JCC
(date not known) -
Card Playing at the Jewish Home for the Aged I
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Card Playing at the Jewish Home for the Aged II
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Cards Bowling League at Poland Spring first names needed
(May 20 1959 ) -
Carnival Night 1940
(1940) -
Center Women's Club dinner
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Women's Club Indoor Lawn Party
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Womens Club (In Costume)
(date not known) - family of Dave Astor
Center Womens Club Awards
(1950) -
Center Womens Club Awards
(circa 1950) -
Center Womens Club group
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Womens Club meeting
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Womens Club Paid Up Membership affair
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Youth Dance - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Youth Dinner I - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Youth Dinner II - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Youth Dinner with Speaker - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Youth Installation
(1964) - Judy Halpert
Center Youth Leaders
(1959) - Stephanie Gerber Stern
Center Youth New Years
(1959) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Youth New Years Dance
(1958) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Center Youth Takes Over the Jewish Community Center
(circa 1965) - Family of Dave Astor
Chandler, Filler & Nelson family photos 1907 to 1941 photos and restorations copyrighted by Marjorie Chandler and Barbara Stack
(circa 1907 - circa 1941) - Barbara Stack
Chanukah play at the Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Charleys on the Square
(date not known) - Mark Chorney
Chasson, Rosenbloom, Bernstein, Waterman and One Other Man In Front of a New Bed at the Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Children Building Their Chanukiah
(1952) - Abraham A Schechter
Children Making Masks for Purim (?)
(1951) - Abraham A Schechter
Children Theatre Presentation about countries of the world
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Children with crowns
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Choir, interdenominational church service, Portland, ca. 1954
(c. 1954) - National Archives at Boston
Choral presentation - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Coffee break
(circa 1951) - Jessica Pollard Lantos
Cohen/Briggs/Modes family dinner
(1940) - Marcy Pluznick-Marrin
Cohens holding honorary plaque
(circa 1965) -
Confirmation ceremony, Shaarey Tphiloh, Portland, 1938
(1938) - Portland Press Herald Collection at the Portland Public Library
Confirmation Class on Bimah at Temple Beth El
(1956) - Abraham A Schechter
Confirmation, Shaarey Tphiloh, Portland, 1938
(1938) - Portland Public Library
Cope, Sulka, and another woman - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Couple on Peaks Island bouy
(1928) - Priscilla Grossman Williams
Crasnick Siblings
(date not known) - Elaine Crasnick Kahaner
Cub Scout Group One Hosts Birthday Party at the Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Cub Scouts waving the flag at the JCC
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Cuddy Cohen and two women
(circa 1950) -
Cynthia Mack, Sophie Hirsch and 3 other women on stairs
(circa 1965) -
Dance Class - Jewish Community Center
(1950) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Dancing School
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Dancing School - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Dave Astor and two other actors in JCC play Medea
(Jan-51) - Jessica Lantos
Dave Astor Cerebral Palsy Show, Portland, 1964
(10/01/64) - Maine Historical Society
Dave Astor Show: For Teenagers Only,' Portland, ca. 1962
(c. 1962) - Maine Historical Society
Dave Lavin, Phyllis Potter Trilling and others
(date not known) - Cindy Potter Taylor
David Goldberg Family At A Wedding "I believe that his wife is to the left of him (looking at the picture). I suspect it is the marriage of one of his children. " : Laurie Kafel
(1922) - Laurie Kafel
Delta Kappa High School Society
(1935) - Priscilla Grossman Williams, Barbara B. Stern
Delta Kappa Sorority at Portland High School
(circa 1935) - Peggy Grossman Williams
Delta Kappa Sorority Dance
(1950) - Rita Schwey Weisberg
Dining room at the Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Dinner at the JCC
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Dinner at the Jewish Community Center I
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Dinner at the Jewish Community Center II
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Dinner Dance - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Document Signing at the Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jessica Lantos
Doing the twist, Portland, ca. 1962 Doing the Twist on Dave Astor Show, Portland, ca. 1962
(c. 1962) - Maine Historical Society
Earl Brand & William Slade at the Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Ed Spitz and others at the beach
(circa 1929) - Jocelyn Pollard
Eddie Miroff Bar Mitzvah
(circa 1956) - Molly Schwartz Cinamon
Edward Shible Obituary
(4/15/2013) - Portland Press Herald
Eight Girls and Their Dance Instructor
(1946 circa) - Maxime Nathanson Sobol
Eight Girls With Menorah at Temple Beth El
(1955) - Abraham A Schechter
Eight men and one woman on the Bimah at Shaarey Tphiloh - Newbury St
(1941) - Portland Public Library
Eight Women and A Man Outside the Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Eight women at the table
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Eight Young Women on the Bimah at Etz Chaim
(1938) - Portland Public Library
Eleven high school boys at a JCC table
(date not known) -
Eleven Men Standing in the Construction of the Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Elowitch, Packet, and Four Other Woman In Front of the Front Doors of Beth El
(1955) - Abraham A Schechter
Esther Goldberg and Three Other Women at the Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jessica Lantos
Family Members at Wedding of Lillian Potter and Joseph Berman
(date not known) - Cindy Potter Taylor
Fathers and Sons sports banquet at Jewish Community Center It was originally the Father Son Sports Banquet, but we started breaking the barriers down!: Roz Siegel
(1963) - family of Dave Astor
Feast at Jewish Home With Six Men and Two Women
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Five boys lighting a menorah
(circa 1956) - Abraham A Schechter
Five Livingston Brothers
(May 28 1918) -
Five people pretending to sign papers at JCC
(circa 1965) -
Five Women At A Table at the Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Formal dance at the JCC
(circa 1965) -
Formal dance at the JCC circa 1965
(circa 1965) -
Formal dinner at the JCC
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Four actors at the Jewish Community Center Ruth Potter Issokson lived in Portland (Beacon Street) until the early 50s. She and husband Al, along with daughters, Baila and Sandy moved to Dover, NH:Cindy Potter Taylor
(date not known) - family of Dave Astor
Four Men Studying at the Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Four men studying, Jewish Home for the Aged, Portland
(06/13/11) - The Cedars
Four People enjoying a glass of milk at the Jewish Home
(circa 1932) - Cedars, Portland
Four women by the fireplace
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Four Women Standing In Front of Beth El Front Door
(1954) - Abraham A Schechter
Game of Keep Away at the JCC
(date not known) -
Girl Scout Group (1945), Jewish Community Center (Portland)
(1945) - Rita Schwey Weisberg
Girls Dance Show
(date not known) -
Girls on Bimah at Shaarey Tphiloh Newbury St 1938, Portland Public Library - Press Herald photo collection
(1938) - Abraham A Schechter
Giving a gift to wary kids at JCC
(circa 1955) - Family of Dave Astor
Glovsky, Hyman, Levinsky, Modes, Sohn and Three Other Girls in a Theatre Presentation (Hawaiian scene) - Jewish Community Center
(1951-1952) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Groomsmen from Silverman wedding
(11/27/1960) - Nancy Davidson
Groundbreaking for Levy Pavilion- Jewish Home
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Group Photo taken on the Steps of the Jewish Home for the Aged
(1931) - Cedars, Portland
Group Fall Photo Outside of the Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Group Indoor Photo Signed by Max Pinansky at the Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Group mystery photo
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Group of 16 students and teacher at JCC
(circa 1950) -
Group of girls at the JCC
(circa 1955) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Group of girls with one boy at JCC
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Group of Portland High School Girls
(1923) - Priscilla Grossman Williams
Group of Portland Kids
(1920s - 1930s) - Barbara Blumenthal Stern
Group Photo -Iota Phi Sorority
(1960) - Stephanie Gerber Stern
Group Photo at the Construction Site for the Jewish Home for the Aged
(1929) - Cedars, Portland
Group Photo During the Reconstruction of the Jewish Home for the Aged
(1929) - Cedars, Portland
Group Photo Eight Women - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Group Photo Five Women and Four Men - Jewish Community Center
(1961) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Group Photo Four Women and Two Men
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Group Photo of Bud Kane, Seventeen Other Men and One Woman
(date not known) -
Group Photo of Children at Passover, B'nai B'rith Cumberland Lodge
(1951 c) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Group Photo of Five Men and One Woman - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Group Photo of Five Women and Five Men - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Group Photo of Four Women and Two Men - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Group Photo of Henry Lamport, Ruth Finn and Five Other Women - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Group photo of Portland couples
(date not known) -
Group photo of RCY (Religious Charitable Youth)
(date not known) - Elaine Crasnick
Group Photo of Seven Women II - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Group Photo of Seven Women I - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Group Photo of Sixteen Young Children - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Group Photo of Young Girls and One Boy
(date not known) - Fran Jacobson
Group Photo with cub scouts - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Group Ready to Watch TV at the Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Group signing papers at JCC
(circa 1965) -
Group Summer Photo on the Steps of the Jewish Home for the Aged
(June 26 1932) - Cedars, Portland
Group Summer Photo Outside of the Jewish Home for the Aged
(July 4 1947) - Cedars, Portland
Halloween Party at Golding House
(1945) - Susan Brilliant Sugarman
Harold Nelson presents at JWB event
(circa 1947) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Harold Ross and Two Other Actors at the Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jessica Lantos
Harold Ross's 2nd Installation I - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Head table at JCC dinner
(date not known) -
Hebrew School : Teacher and two young students
(1947) - Abraham A Schechter
Hebrew School classroom
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Hebrew School Teacher and Two Students With a Shofar
(1957) - Abraham A Schechter
High School Graduation Certificate of Anne Bessie Simonds (later Schultz)
(June 19, 1930) - Ed Schultz
Holding up certificates
(circa 1965) -
Hugs for a job well done
(circa 1970) -
In a Center Workshop play
(date not known) - Judy and Steve Halpert
In Costume
(date not known) -
In the Dining Hall, Jewish Home
(date not known) - Cedars Nursing Home
In the JCC kitchen
(circa 1975) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Inter Center Weekend Head Table
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
InterCenter Weekend - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Iota Phi Group Photo
(1946) - Marcy Pluznick-Marrin
Iota Phi Sorority
(1971) - Nancy Guadiane
Iota Phi Sorority- Pledge Class and Officers
(circa 1967) - Ingrid Bookbinder
Irving Small receiving or giving a plaque at the Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Jay Baker
(Feb 2006) -
JCC - five actors rehearsing for a play
(circa 1960) - Jessica Lantos
JCC 3 men and a trophy
(circa 1950) -
JCC 4 men and 2 women in hats
(circa 1950) -
JCC 5 people on stage
(circa 1950) -
JCC 50th Anniversary celebration
(circa 1988) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
JCC 7 women in hats
(circa 1950) -
JCC 7 women in hats
(circa 1950) -
JCC Awards
(circa 1982) -
JCC Awards Night
(circa 1965) -
JCC Awards Night I
(circa 1965) -
JCC Awards Night II
(circa 1965) -
JCC Awards Night III
(circa 1965) -
JCC Awards Night IV Gino Cappelletti to left of speaker podium - Patriots Hall of Famer
(circa 1965) -
JCC Boys awards event
(circa 1950) -
JCC Casino night I
(circa 1950) -
JCC formal dance
(circa 1950) -
JCC Formal Event
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
JCC fun indoor event
(circa 1950) -
JCC Gym Full of People
(circa 1960) -
JCC Handball match
(circa 1950) -
JCC large group of adorable kids
(circa 1950) -
JCC long tables of coffee drinkers
(circa 1950) -
JCC luncheon
(circa 1950) -
JCC Mens Softball AK team
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
JCC Mens Softball team
(circa 1980) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
JCC Mexican music performance
(circa 1963) - David Small
JCC orchestra and play rehearsal
(circa 1960) -
JCC Orchestra Rehearsal
(circa 1950) -
JCC plaque and cake thank you
(circa 1965) -
JCC Production circa 1945
(circa 1945) - Jewish Community Alliance
JCC ready to drop the balloons
(circa 1950) -
JCC scene from a play
(circa 1950) -
JCC signing papers
(circa 1950) -
JCC Softball team
(circa 1977) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
JCC Sports Award Winners
(date not known) -
JCC Teacher with 16 children
(circa 1950) -
JCC Theater costume fitting
(circa 1950) -
JCC Theater Dress Rehearsal
(circa 1950) -
JCC Theater presentation
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
JCC Theater with Harold Ross and 2 others
(circa 1950) -
JCC Women's Club Annual Luncheon
(circa 1951) - Jessica Lantos
JCC Womens event
(circa 1950) -
JCC Womens luncheon
(circa 1950) -
JCC Young Adult Group Play
(circa 1952) - Rita Weisberg
Jennifer Freed, Making Minyan , salt magazine, no 41 (Vol XI, Number 1)
(Nov 1991) - Len Slosberg
Jewish Community Center Center Women's Club Donors Show
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Teen Dance photo
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Jewish Community Center 25th Anniversary Cake by Nissen Baking Co
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center 25th Anniversary Dance
(1963) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Jewish Community Center Anniversary Dinner
(date not known) -
Jewish Community Center Awards - five men
(date not known) - Shirley and Murray Rosen
Jewish Community Center awards - six boys and an adult presentor
(date not known) - Shirley and Murray Rosen
Jewish Community Center Banquet
(1940) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Jewish Community Center Bar Mitzvah Freilach “FRONT and CENTER”
(1951) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Camp postcard
(1951 circa) - Susan Brilliant Sugarman
Jewish Community Center Caption on reverse reads, “Another Language
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Center Men's Club Donors
(24-Jan-63) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Center Theater Workshop
(1950) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Center Theater Workshop
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Center Woman's Club Donors Program
(1964) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Center Woman's Club Paid Up Membership Party
(May 1950) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Charles Rosenbloom and Dave Astor
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Children's Bowling Party
(1952) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Dance Recital One other possible name found on back of photo: Janice Newman?
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Dancing School - Eight Girls
(circa 1949) - Marlene Baker Cohen
Jewish Community Center Dinner in honor of Dr Israel Goldstein
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Jewish Community Center early 1950s
(1950 - 1951) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center event
(Nov, 1960) -
Jewish Community Center Fair I
(1940) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Jewish Community Center Fair II
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Jewish Community Center Family Night I
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Family Picnic
(1962) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Group of Eight Women and One Man
(date not known) -
Jewish Community Center group of five men and four women
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Group Photo of High School students
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Jewish Community Center Group Photo of Levine and Seven Other Women
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Jewish Community Center Group Sports Award photo - two boys, four teenagers, and an advisor "Trophy for highest ranking high school Jewish athlete in Portland schools." Maurice weisman.
(circa 1950) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Jewish Community Center Halloween Tween Party
(1958) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center High School Girls in Gymnasium
(1945) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Jewish Book Month Production
(circa 1970) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Key Members, First Years
(1905-1938) - Rita Schwey Weisberg
Jewish Community Center March of Dimes Ball with large cake by John J Nissen Baking
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Jewish Community Center Meeting of Five Men and Two Women
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Jewish Community Center Men's Basketball Team
(date not known) -
Jewish Community Center Men's Massage
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Jewish Community Center Midgets Basketball Team
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Music lesson for school children
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Jewish Community Center Musical Auditions
(3/7/1940) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Jewish Community Center Musical Production with Cantor Moshe Kusevitsky?
(c1954) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Jewish Community Center November
(1950) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Our Lady of the Lake Camp Portland Fraternity House Portland Boys Club
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Jewish Community Center party - 13 children
(date not known) - Shirley and Murray Rosen
Jewish Community Center photo of eight women
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Jewish Community Center photo of seven women
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Planning Meeting Six Men and One Woman
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Jewish Community Center Playcenter developing photos Don Critchley and unknown
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Players I
(date not known) - Judy Halpert
Jewish Community Center Players - 4 actors
(date not known) - Judy Halpert
Jewish Community Center Players II
(date not known) - Judy Halpert
Jewish Community Center Players III
(date not known) - Judy Halpert
Jewish Community Center Players IV
(date not known) - Judy Halpert
Jewish Community Center Polio Dance
(1948) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Portland Elementary Age Sunday School Class (Group Photo)
(1947) - Aaron Burke
Jewish Community Center Portland Young Sunday School Class (Group Photo)
(1947) - Aaron Burke
Jewish Community Center production "This 1950 Production at Portland's JCC made the audience members wonder if they needed to travel to Broadway ever again."
(1950) - Abe Peck & Jean Marcus Peck
Jewish Community Center Purim Party
(3/9/1947) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Jewish Community Center Purim Party at Sunday School
(1949) - Marlene Baker Cohen
Jewish Community Center Sports Awards Night
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Stage Design 1
(date not known) -
Jewish Community Center Stage Design 2
(date not known) -
Jewish Community Center Sunday Children's Program for Chanukah
(1956) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Sunday School I
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Jewish Community Center Sunday School II
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Jewish Community Center Theater 10
(1965) - family of Henry Pollard
Jewish Community Center Theater 2
(date not known) - family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Theater 4
(date not known) - family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Theater 4
(date not known) - family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Theater 8
(date not known) - family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Theater 9
(date not known) - family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Theater Cast rehearsal
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Theater Production “Counselor at Law” Jerry Lewis and Cynthia Frager
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Theater Scenery Crew
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Theater Workshop
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Theater Workshop
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Theater Workshop ? Engle and Shirley Levine
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Theater Workshop Jane Glassman and Irving Small
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Theater Workshop Putting on makeup for a performance II
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Theater Workshop Shirley Levine and Marian Taylor
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Theater Workshop Yudy Elowitch and Ruby Packet?
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Three Musicians
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Jewish Community Center Three Woman Looking at Notebook
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Women's Club Bingo Snack Bar Crew
(date not known) - Shirley and Murray Rosen
Jewish Community Center Women's Club Donors
(1/24/1963) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Women's Dinner
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Jewish Community Center Workshop Production Cast
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Workshop Production I
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center Workshop Production II
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Community Center “OUR FUTURE DIRECTORS”
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Jewish Home Cornerstone Ceremony "This is cornerstone ceremony for the Levey Nursing Pavillion at the Jewish Home for Aged on North Street in Portland, May 1962. (Original cornerstone for JHA was laid January 1929." : Beth Sheppard
(5/20/1962) - Cedars, Portland
Jewish Home for the Aged, Group of Residents in the Dining Room pg 80 " The Jewish Home for the Aged cared for men and women without families to look after them. It did not offer nursing care until the early 1960s"
(1955) - The Cedars, Portland
Jim Connolly and 22 young JCC basketball players
(circa 1960) -
Jim Connolly and boys basketball at JCC
(circa 1950) -
Jim Connolly and boys basketball team
(circa 1965) -
Jim Connolly giving a speech
(circa 1955) -
JJ Nissen cake celebration
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Jocelyn Lavin Pollard and Two Male Actors at the Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jessica Lantos
Joint Sisterhoods plan first meeting photo 2
(1952) -
Joint Sisterhoods plan meeting with picture
(date not known) -
Joseph Bernstein and Ted Wasserman Both of these men died in the November 28 1942 Cocoanut Grove fire, as did their wives.
(circa 1940) - Jocelyn Pollard
Judge Max Pinansky and Family, ca. 1937
(10/22/37) - Maine Historical Society
Julius Greenstein shakes hand with man with flower
(circa 1950) -
Junior Hadassah
(date not known) - Maxine Kessler
Junior Hadassah Athletes
(date not known) - Helen Bernstein Cook
Kaplans, Karls, Gordons, and Novicks at Banquet
(date not known) - a donor at OOB Gathering Aug 2011
Kids party at the JCC
(circa 1950) -
Kitchen Volunteers - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Kosher butcher I
(date not known) - C Greaney
Kosher butcher II
(date not known) - C Greaney
Kozy Kafe My father owned the Kozy Kafe on Commercial Street. It was the first place in Portland to serve beer in 1938: Irwin Kaplan
(circa 1920) - Irwin Kaplan
Kozy Kafé Left side waitress, on the stool Clarence Hunt customer, Max Kaplan front center. Stairs on right to the only Dine & Dance in Portland. 207 Commercial Street. Portland: Irwin Kaplan
(circa 1930) - Irwin Kaplan
L and L Manufacturing holiday party
(Dec-44) - Mark Chorney
Ladies at the Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jessica Lantos
Ladies at the Jewish Community Center 2
(date not known) -
Ladies' Auxiliary, Portland making donation the Jewish Home for the Aged
(1932) - Cedars Nursing Home
Lancaster Furniture, group photo
(1944) - Amy Waterman
Latin Evening Dinner I - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Laying the Corner Stone at the Jewish Home for the Aged
(1929) - Cedars, Portland
Ledgemere Kiddy Camp A
(1950) - Ellen and Don Ward
Ledgemere Kiddy Camp B
(1950) - Ellen and Don Ward
Linda Lavin and friends dancing
(circa 1950) -
Looking over music for a show
(date not known) -
Looking over papers
(date not known) -
Louis Goldberg and colleagues in front of his Ladies Tailoring & Dressmaking shop
(1912) - Laurie Kafel
Louis Goldberg and family
(1915) - Laurie Kafel
Louis Goldberg and His Family
(1915) - Laurie Kafel
Lucille Potter Lavin Performing at the Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - family of Dave Astor
Lucy Potter Lavin with Esther Potter and Linda Lavin
(date not known) - Cindy Potter Taylor
Macabee Club Membership Lists and Photographs from annual dance programs
(1958 - 1968) - USM Special Collections
Marcia Rooks, Janette Cohen, and Friend
(1935) - Priscilla Grossman Williams
Marvis Cohen and 4 other women
(circa 1965) -
Max Ross in his room at the Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Meal in the Succah at the Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Medea at the Jewish Community Center
(January, 1951) - Jessica Lantos
Meeting at the Jewish Home, 2 men and 1 woman
(date not known) - Cedars Nursing Home
Meeting with Staff at Jewish Home, 8 women, 1 man
(date not known) - Cedars Nursing Home
Membership Breakfast at the JCC
(date not known) -
Memories of Jewish Portland, Temple Beth El panel 3 - Chuck Mack
(Nov 14 2004) - Peggy Shapiro
Memories of Jewish Portland, Temple Beth El panel 4 - Rita Weisberg, part 1
(Nov 14 2004) - Peggy Shapiro
Men studying at Jewish Home for the Aged, Portland, ca. 1940 Caption says picture was taken in 1929 but title and “Other Info” provides circa 1940 as date.
(c. 1940) - The Cedars
Men's Baseball Team
(date not known) -
Men's Basketball II - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Men's Basketball III - Jewish Community Center
(1940) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Mens Dinner - Portland
(1920s - 1930s) - Barbara Blumenthal Stern
Mens Dinner II - Portland
(1920s - 1930s) - Barbara Blumenthal Stern
Mini golf at the JCC
(circa 1955) -
Model Seder
(1957) - Abraham A Schechter
Model Seder at Temple Beth El
(circa 1959) - Jessica Pollard Lantos
Morris Cox Installation
(circa 1954) -
Movie showing at the Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Murinson, Tabachnick, Rosenbloom, Slotsky and Others Listening to a Presentation at the Jewish Home for the Aged
(1960) - Cedars, Portland
Musical Directors of the Sunday Bar Mitzvah “Frehlich” Morris Cox and Ruthie Lerman
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Musical Group at the Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Nancy and David Silverman wedding album photos
(27-Nov-60) - Nancy Davidson
Nathan Clifford School class photo
(circa 1957) - Cindy Potter Taylor
Nathan Clifford school photo
(1935) - Irwin Kaplan
NCJW event at the Double Tree Hotel
(date not known) - Shirley Rosen
New Officers of Shaarey Tphiloh Sisterhood Lighting The Fifth Candle on Chanukah
(December 1956) - Abraham A Schechter
New York Dinner Dance - Jewish Community Center
(1957) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Nine Hebrew School Students Under a Talit Held by Two Instructors
(1956) - Abraham A Schechter
Nine men and eight women at the JCC
(Jan-51) - Jessica Lantos
Nine Men Studying at the Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Nursing Pavilion, Members of Building Committee for Annex to Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
NYA Event at the Jewish Community Center
(6 Feb 1940) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
NYA Valentine's Party - I
(2/14/1940) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Oakdale School
(1950) - Ellen and Don Ward
On stage with luggage
(circa 1955) -
On Wiesenthal's porch
(1989) - at a donor at the OOB Gathering Aug 2011
Oneg Shabbat Committee - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Partygoer with foil crown at JCC
(circa 1950) -
Passing the gavel
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Passover Seder at the Jewish Home for the Aged I
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Passover Seder at the Jewish Home for the Aged II
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Passover Seder at the Jewish Home for the Aged III
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Passover Seder at the Jewish Home for the Aged IV
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Photo Studio Portrait by James Kriegsmann-NY of Dinny Cutler
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Picnic - Center Theater Workshop production
(1957) - family of Dave Astor
Pinansky family portrait, Portland
(1929) - Maine Historical Society/ MaineToday Media
Playing a game at the Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Poring over the Center Bulletin
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Portland Friends go to Bermuda
(1951) - Jessica Lantos
Portland Hebrew Day School "entire student body and faculty of the old Hebrew School at 116 Pearl St "
(1955) - Bob Levine
Portland Hebrew Day School
(circa 1955) - Cedric Minkin
Portland Hebrew Day School Chanukah Play 1955
(1955) - Abraham A Schechter
Portland Hebrew Day School Graduation 1965
(6/1/1965) - Gail Berenson
Portland Jewish Community Center It was originally the Father Son Sports Banquet, but we started breaking the barriers down!: Roz Siegel
(circa 1963) - Ellen and Don Ward
Portland Jewish Community Center New Year Book
(1984) - Beryl Cole
Portland Schools Americanization Classes, 1926
(1926) - Maine Historical Society
Portrait of a couple at a celebration at Temple Beth El
(date not known) - Elaine Crasnick
Portrait of a Man (JHA)
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Portrait of a woman
(date not known) -
Portrait of Abraham S. and Fannie B. Levey in front of the dedication plaque in the Nursing Pavilion of the Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Portrait of Lillian Brilliant and a second woman - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Portrait of Phoebe Branz at the Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Portrait of three women
(date not known) - Kate Halpert Lowry
Portrait photo of Two Men and a Women - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Pouring Coffee: Three Women and Four Men at the Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jessica Lantos
Presentation at the JCC
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Presentation Irving Small - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Presentation of Awards to Four Women - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Presentation with Harmon Hugo and two others - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Prize winning babies at YWHA
(circa 1930) - Jocelyn Pollard
Putting on a show
(circa 1970) -
Rabbi Bekritsky and four students, each with a Lulav and an Etrog
(1956) - Abraham A Schechter
Rabbi Bekritsky, Cantor Zimmelman and One Other Man Reading Torah at Newbury St Shaarey Tphiloh
(1955) - Abraham A Schechter
Rabbi Bekritsky, Irving Rothstein and Four Other Men At Shaarey Tphiloh Golden Jubilee Celebration Samuel Cinamon, Treasurer. Rothstein was president, Waterman was chair of the celebration.
(1954) - Abraham A Schechter
Rabbi Harry Sky, Portland, 1963
(1963) - Portland Press Herald Collection at the Portland Public Library
Rabbi with confirmation class at Temple Beth El
(date not known) - Cynthia Rudek Pedlikin
RCY Club
(circa 1965) - Roni Friedman
Rehearsal for JCC play Medea and The Seagull with eight actors
(Jan-51) - Jessica Lantos
Relay race at the JCC
(date not known) -
Religious Charitable Youth (RCY)
(1958) - Elaine Crasnick Kahaner
Ribbon Cutting with Governor Curtis at the Jewish Home for the Aged
(1979) - Cedars Nursing Home
Richard Fisher Bar Mitzvah Reception Group Photo 1
(1957) - Richard Fisher
Richard Fisher Bar Mitzvah Reception Group Photo 2 These bar mitzvah photos were taken at the Falmouth Hotel on Middle Street in Portland
(1957) - Richard Fisher
Richard Fisher Bar Mitzvah Reception Group Photo 3
(1957) - Richard Fisher
Richard Fisher Bar Mitzvah Reception Group Photo 4
(1957) - Richard Fisher
Richard Fisher Bar Mitzvah Reception Group Photo 5
(1957) - Richard Fisher
Richard Fisher Bar Mitzvah Reception Group Photo 6
(1957) - Richard Fisher
Roast at the JCC
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Rose Levine and Two Men at a B'nai B'rith Presentation
(1954) - Abraham A Schechter
Rosenbloom ?, Shur and One Other Person -Jewish Community Center Presentation Three Men
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Rosh Hashanah preparation at Shaarey Tphiloh, Newbury St, Portand
(1951) - Abraham A Schechter
Rosh Hashannah preparation at Temple Beth El
(1954) - Abraham A Schechter
Rosnbloom and a Woman with Gov John Reed at the Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Roz Bernstein putting on a costume for a JCC play
(Jan-51) - Jessica Lantos
Roz Bernstein putting on make up for a JCC play
(Jan-51) - Jessica Lantos
Sale of Furniture Inside the Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Sam & Edith Caplan and Auntie Caplan
(date not known) - Sidney Cronsberg
Scholar Studying - Jewish Community Center photo
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
School Class - Portland
(1920s - 1930s) - Barbara Blumenthal Stern
School Class II - Portland
(1920s - 1930s) - Barbara Blumenthal Stern
Selections on Jewish residents/merchants in "Munjoy Hill - Portland's Scenic Peninsula"
(1984) - Sid Cronsberg
Service Department, State Motor Co., Portland, ca. 1938
(c. 1938) - Maine Historical Society
Services at the Jewish Home for the Aged
(Oct 1930) - Cedars, Portland
Services in the Chapel at the Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Seven dancing girls
(circa 1960) -
Seven girls and six boys in play
(date not known) - Cynthia Rudek Pedlikin
Seven Men Standing at a Banquet at the Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Seven women looking over papers
(date not known) -
Shaarey Tphiloh
(1951) - Jessica Lantos
Shaarey Tphiloh (Portland) Torah dedication Video: Shaarey Tphiloh Torah dedication ceremony, 1955 (Portland)
(1955) - Maine Historical Society
Shaarey Tphiloh Choir
(1956) - Abraham A Schechter
Shaarey Tphiloh Newbury St , Exterior View
(1958) - Abraham A Schechter
Shaking hands at the JCC
(circa 1950) -
Shaking hands with boy scouts
(date not known) -
Sharing a good laugh at JCC event
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Shirley Rosen and nine children outside the old Portland Public Library
(date not known) - Shirley and Murray Rosen
Shofar Blowing at the Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Show at the Jewish Community Center
(date not known) -
Signing Documents: Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jessica Lantos
Simonds, Another Man and Three Women Drinking Milk at the Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Simonds, Another Man and Two Women Seated at the Jewish Home for the Aged II
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Six Men Seated Outside of Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Six people holding hands -Jewish Community Center Theater
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Six women and one man
(circa 1950) -
Six Women and Three Men Outside the Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Spitzer family portrait two images in pdf. Second one of Phyllis Potter Spitzer, daughter of Esther Potter
(circa 1887) - Jessica Lantos
Sporte Nite II - Jewish Community Center
(1957) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Sporte Nite III - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Sports Nite Foul Shooting Winners
(circa 1975) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Staging a minstrel show
(5/30/1930) - Jessica Lantos
State Motor Co., Portland, ca. 1938
(c. 1938) - Maine Historical Society
Study group at JCC
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Succot Childrens Celebration, Portland Hebrew School (Pearl St)
(Oct 1951) - Abraham A Schechter
Sunday Athletics at the Jewish Community Center
(1959) - Family of Dave Astor
Sunday children's program at Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - family of Dave Astor
Sylvia and Harold Woolf on Stage at JCC circa 1955
(circa 1955) - Alan Woolf
Tables of people at the JCC
(circa 1955) -
Taking notes at the JCC
(circa 1955) - Family of Dave Astor
Taking notes at the JCC
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Tap Dance Class-older girls
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Tap Dance Class-younger girls
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Teacher and Children with JNF Puschkies
(1938) - Portland Public Library
Teacher with class of young children - outdoors
(date not known) - Shirley and Murray Rosen
Teen dance at the JCC
(date not known) -
Teen event at the JCC
(circa 1960) -
Teen event at the JCC I
(circa 1960) -
Teen Meeting?
(date not known) -
Teenagers two males, one female at the Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Teens at the head table
(date not known) -
Temple Beth El (Portland) Turns 13 - Group Photo 16
(1961) - Harvey Elowitch
Temple Beth El (Portland) Turns 13 - Bringing the Cake
(1961) - Harvey Elowitch
Temple Beth El (Portland) Turns 13 - Cantor Messerschmidt with Choir
(1961) - Harvey Elowitch
Temple Beth El (Portland) Turns 13 - Dancing #1
(1961) - Harvey Elowitch
Temple Beth El (Portland) Turns 13 - Entertainers
(1961) - Harvey Elowitch
Temple Beth El (Portland) Turns 13 - Group of 4
(1961) - Harvey Elowitch
Temple Beth El (Portland) Turns 13 - Group Photo 10
(1961) - Harvey Elowitch
Temple Beth El (Portland) Turns 13 - Group Photo 13
(1961) - Harvey Elowitch
Temple Beth El (Portland) Turns 13 - Group Photo 14
(1961) - Harvey Elowitch
Temple Beth El (Portland) Turns 13 - Group Photo 17
(1961) - Harvey Elowitch
Temple Beth El (Portland) Turns 13 - Group Photo 19
(1961) - Harvey Elowitch
Temple Beth El (Portland) Turns 13 - Group Photo 3
(1961) - Harvey Elowitch
Temple Beth El (Portland) Turns 13 - Group Photo 6
(1961) - Harvey Elowitch
Temple Beth El (Portland) Turns 13 - Group Photo with Messerschmidts, Leemans, & Gilberts
(1961) - Harvey Elowitch
Temple Beth El (Portland) Turns 13 - Group Photo1
(1961) - Harvey Elowitch
Temple Beth El (Portland) Turns 13 - The Cake
(1961) - Harvey Elowitch
Temple Beth El (Portland) Turns 13 Group Photo 18
(1961) - Harvey Elowitch
Temple Beth El (Portland) Turns 13- Group Photo 12
(1961) - Harvey Elowitch
Temple Beth El Class Photo
(circa 1962) - Bruce Levinsky
Temple Beth El Consecration class
(circa 1961) - Jeffrey Finegold
Temple Beth El Consecration Class with Rabbi Sky
(1964) - Rita Schwey Weisberg
Temple Beth El Hebrew School
(date not known) - Sam Band
Temple Beth El Hebrew School - teacher and four children
(date not known) - Shirley and Murray Rosen
Temple Beth El Hebrew School consecration
(circa 1968) - Rita Schwey Weisberg
Temple Beth El Hebrew School Graduation
(circa 1965) - Mark Chorney
Temple Beth El Purim Play 1
(February 1999) - Shirley Rosen
Temple Beth El Purim Play 10
(date not known) - Shirley Rosen
Temple Beth El Purim Play 11
(date not known) - Shirley Rosen
Temple Beth El Purim Play 3
(February 1999) - Shirley Rosen
Temple Beth El Purim Play 4
(date not known) - Shirley Rosen
Temple Beth El Purim Play 5
(date not known) - Shirley Rosen
Temple Beth El Purim Play 6
(date not known) - Shirley Rosen
Temple Beth El Purim Play 7
(date not known) - Shirley Rosen
Temple Beth El Purim Play 8
(date not known) - Shirley Rosen
Temple Beth El Purim Play 9
(date not known) - Shirley Rosen
Ten girls and one boy in costumes
(date not known) - Cynthia Rudek Pedlikin
Ten Women and Seven Men Seated on a sofa at the Jewish Community Center
(circa 1960) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
The Dave Astor Show
(circa 1960) - Family of Dave Astor
The Fuxson Family
(date not known) - Richie Fox
The Growth of Portland's Jewish Community Life, essay by Dr Elias Cohen
(4 Oct 1940) -
The RCY Club
(1958) - Elaine Crasnick Kahaner
Theater at JCC
(date not known) - family of Dave Astor
Theater performance at the JCC
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Theatre Presentation ' Song & Dance" - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Theatre Presentation : set construction - Jewish Community Center
(1950) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Theatre Presentation I - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Theatre Presentation IX - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Theatre Presentation V - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Theatre Presentation VI - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Theatre Presentation VII - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Theatre Presentation VIII - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Theatre Presentation X - Jewish Community Center
(1950) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Theatre Presentation XI - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Theatre Presentation XII - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Theatre Presentation XIII - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Theatre Presentation XIV (Four Men Playing Women) - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Theatre Presentation XIX- Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Theatre Presentation XV - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Theatre Presentation XVIII - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Theatre Presentation XX - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Theatre Presentation XXI - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Theatre Presentation XXII - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Theta Rho Sorority
(circa 1945) - Maxine Kessler
Three Men
(1954) - Abraham A Schechter
Three Men at Reception
(date not known) - Shirley and Murray Rosen
Three men smiling for camera
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Three Singers and an Orchestra JCC circa 1955
(circa 1955) - Alan Woolf
Three sports award winners with Jim Connolly
(circa 1950) -
Three Women at the Jewish Home for the Aged getting help by two younger women into a station wagon
(1970s?) - Cedars Nursing Home
Three Women at the Jewish Home for the Aged preparing items for sale
(date not known) - Cedars Nursing Home
Three women with nurse at Jewish Home
(date not known) - Cedars Nursing Home
Torah Reading In the Chapel at the Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Tuesday Night Bowling League
(1980s) - Ed Schultz
Tween Age Installation
(1957) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Twelve People at a Community Dinner
(1950s) - Ed Schultz
Twelve People in the Dining Room of the Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Two couples receive gifts from girl scouts at the Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars Nursing Home
Two Men Holding A Torah Donated by Morris & Harriet Baker in Memory of Ellis E Waterman
(1955) - Abraham A Schechter
Two men in conversation at the Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars Nursing Home
Two People in JCC Show circa 1955
(circa 1955) - Alan Woolf
Two women
(Sept 1974) - Susan Brilliant Sugarman
Two Women at Hadassah Event
(1957) - Abraham A Schechter
Two women at the Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars Nursing Home
Two women in formal attire
(date not known) - a donor at the OOB Gathering Aug 2011
Two women light menorah at the Cedars
(date not known) - Cedars Nursing Home
Two women walking at the Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars Nursing Home
Two women, a man, and a great granddaughter at the Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars Nursing Home
Two young women
(date not known) - Faith Bornstein Canner
United Jewish Appeal meeting
(circa 1950) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Unknown couple
(date not known) - Family of Dave Astor
Veterans Buried in the Smith Street Cemetery
(2014) - Susan Cummings Lawrence
Vic Taylor and 6 other people at a meeting
(circa 1950) -
Vic Taylor awards a check
(circa 1960) -
Vic Taylor presents award
(circa 1955) -
Waterman and Three Other Men at a Banquet at the Jewish Home for the Aged
(1958) - Cedars, Portland
Waterman and Three Other Men at Desk at the Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars, Portland
Waving American and Israeli flags
(circa 1950) -
Wedding Party on the steps of Anshe Sfard
(1942) - Portland Public Library
Wedding portrait - probably a child of William Goldberg A wedding portrait. Harry David Goldberg is seated second from the left on the bottom (seated) row. Louis Goldberg is in the second row, second from left. I believe that is his wife to the left of him (looking at the picture). I s
(1928 ) - Laurie Kafel
Welcoming honored guests David Ben-Gurion and his wife Paula?
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Willy Stewart, 'Dave Astor Show,' Portland, 1962
(1962) - Maine Historical Society
Woman at Beth El with Menorah
(1955) - Abraham A Schechter
Woman Celebrating 100 years with a cake at the Jewish Home for the Aged
(date not known) - Cedars Nursing Home
Woman resident at the Jewish Home for the Aged with six relatives
(date not known) - Cedars Nursing Home
Women in the kitchen
(circa 1965) -
Women in the kitchen
(circa 1970) -
Women in the kitchen II
(circa 1970) -
Women on outing
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Women seated in the Jewish Home for the Aged room dedicated to the Ladies Auxiliary
(date not known) - Cedars Nursing Home
Women's Bowling group
(1970) - Stephanie Gerber Stern
Yiddish Mock Trial
(May 16, 1923) -
YMCA Birthday Party
(1956) - Ellen and Don Ward
Young Children - Jewish Community Center
(date not known) - Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Young Dance Group in Costumes
(1952) - Deborah Loeb Fogelson
Young Girls at JCC- group photo
(circa 1950) - Fran Jacobson
Youth group singing with guitarist
(circa 1970) -
Youth Party
(circa 1957) -
Yudy Elowitch, Al Goldman and two women singers at formal JCC event
(circa 1958) -
“Dave Astor Show,” Portland, April 1962
(April 1962) - Maine Historical Society
Furniture Salesman summer getaway A bunch of furniture guys would take a fishing trip each year. They were known as the Lucky 'leven since there were eleven of them This was either in Rangeley or was at West Shore Camps on Sebago. Not sure: Jocelyn Pollard
(date not known) - Jocelyn Pollard
San Francisco, CA
Barbara Stack, Debbi Rudman Cohen, and another guest at the DMJ Gathering in San Francisco
(Sept 27, 2013 ) - Steven Kornetsky
Harris Gleckman and Two Guests at DMJ Gathering in San Francisco
(Sept 27, 2013 ) - Steven Kornetsky
Judy Slotsky and Karen Chandler at the DMJ Gathering in San Francisco
(Sept 27, 2013 ) - Steven Kornetsky
Mindy , Alan Lewis, and Guest at DMJ Gathering in San Francisco
(Sept 27, 2013 ) - Steven Kornetsky
Mindy Goldman and Suzi Lewis at DMJ Gathering in San Francisco
(Sept 27, 2013 ) - Steven Kornetsky
Steve Kornetsky (co-host), Scott Cohen, Jay Espovich, and Phil Vince at DMJ Gathering in San Francisco
(Sept 27, 2013 ) - Steven Kornetsky
Two guests at DMJ Gathering in San Francisco
(Sept 27, 2013 ) - Steven Kornetsky
Camp Tapawingo My sisters and I attended the camp during the years 1954 - 1960. Each of us went for 3 to 4 summers. All campers and counselors wore uniforms. : Barbara Erdreich Fine
(circa 1958) - Barbara Fine
Camp Tapawingo group photo My sisters and I attended the camp during the years 1954 - 1960. Each of us went for 3 to 4 summers. All campers and counselors wore uniforms. : Barbara Erdreich Fine
(circa 1959) - Barbara Fine
Camp Tapawingo group swimming My mother, Irma Rae Bloch (Erdreich) was born and lived in Selma, Alabama. She attended Camp Tapawingo in the late 1920s: Barbara E. Fine
(circa 1928) - Barbara Fine
Benjamin Haley “A Brief History of Jewish Businesses and Employment in Lewiston and Auburn” Includes posters for all listed Jewish-owned companies and stores in Lewiston.
(05/23/03) - Edmund S. Muskie Archives & Special Collections Library
David Anixter “Diaspora North: Early Jewish Settlement in Lewiston and Auburn”
(05/23/02) - Edmund S. Muskie Archives & Special Collections Library
Forty-fifth Reunion at Waterville High School "held at the Elmwood Hotel at the juntion of Main Street and College Avenue " - Eric Bloom
(1965) - Eric Bloom
Gamma Phi Epsilon members, Colby College (1930) Gamma Phi Epsilon members, Colby College (1919)
(1919) - Harvey Lipman
Gamma Phi Epsilon members, Colby College, 1930
(1930) - Individual through Colby College Special Collections
James and Rose Cohen with their family at Webber Pond, Me
(date not known) - Diane E Berg
Jews and Sports
(1944) - Alfond Youth Center
Johnny “Dutch” Levine and the 1905 Yale football team
(1905) - Bill Alfond
Levine Family photo
(1950s) - Eric Bloom and Myrt Wolman
Purim play, Beth Israel, Waterville, ca. 1955
(c. 1955) - Individual through Colby College Special Collections
Putting on a Purim play, Beth Israel, Waterville, 1950s
(1950) - Phyllis Shiro
Shenson & Jolovitz grocery store
(1915 c) - Alan Aronson
Students in a Classroom at the Brook Street School, Waterville
(1913) - Eric Bloom
Thayer Hospital's Tumor Clinic
(date not known) - Waterville Morning Sentinel
W M Levine Store with William Levine Outside
(date not known) - Eric Bloom
Waterville public school, ca. 1910
(c. 1910) - Debbie Seltzer Cohen
YMCA basketball team, Waterville, 1944
(1944) - Individual through Colby College Special Collections
Documenting Maine Jewry
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