Rose Billing Diary recounting a visit with a Jewish peddler

1921 - Maine Historical Society

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Coll S-7632 Misc Box257/12
Pocket diary kept by Rose Billings, possibly of Bath, Maine. "A Jew called today to buy egg or hens," Rose Billings wrote in her diary on October 17, 1921. "We had neither to spare but I gave him a Yiddish paper and he got sociable." The Jewish peddler who visited Rose's house may have been seeking only business, but Rose, a young Christian woman, was eager to distribute the missionary pamphlets she had received two days before. At the back of her diary, Rose recorded the addresses of every Jewish household in Bath. [Information taken from the Colby College exhibit website]. Also includes related transparency (photograph) created by photographer Rose Marasco which was used it in an early still life series.
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