Band, Benjamin, collection of papers . 

1920-2003 - Maine Historical Society

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Thank you to Maine Historical Society / Samuel Band, son of Ben Band for the information

 Coll. 2661 : This collection contains photocopies of awards and certificates, college transcript, birth certificate, US Army separation qualification record, family tree, photograph, and original Russian examinations taken at the Linguphone Institute.
Benjamin Band (1920-2003) was born to Augusta Sokoler and Salmon Band in Brooklyn, NY. After graduating from Brooklyn City College, he enlisted in the U.S. Army, and served in World War II as a Sergeant in the Military Intelligence Service Center editing intelligence reports and questioning high ranking prisoners of the German intelligence service. After his discharge in 1945, Band spent the rest of his life in Portland, Me., with his wife Priscilla Grant of Portland, Me. While in Portland, Band taught in both the private and public institutions, focusing on foreign languages and American History. The majority of his teaching career was spent educating at Portland High School. In 1955, Band authored Portland Jewry, its Growth and Development.
Organizations: Portland High School
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