Arbeiter Ring / Workmen's Circle : Second Annual Conference - Maine District Organizing Commmittee Aug 27, 1916

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Links to Organisations :
    Workman's Circle / Arbeiter Ring : Branch 71 (Biddeford) ;
    Workman's Circle / Arbeiter Ring : Branch 282 (Waterville) ;
    Workman's Circle / Arbeiter Ring : Branch 317 (Portland) ;
    Workman's Circle / Arbeiter Ring : Branch 358 (Auburn) ;
    Workman's Circle / Arbeiter Ring : Branch 524 (Lewiston) ;
    Workman's Circle / Arbeiter Ring : National Organisation ;

Links to People and Legend :
  Upper Row Left to Right
    C Remar (branch 71) ;
    S Wesler (524) ;
    M J Rodzinsky (317) ;
    B Jolovitz (282) ;
    H. Day (358) ;
    K Forman (317) ;
    A Epstein (Chairman, National Executive) ;
    H Sclar (137)
    I Targovnik (524) ;
    J Finkelstein (524) ;
    D Oretzky (358) ;
    W Radgik (558) ;
    H. Bean (358) ;
  Lower Row Left to Right
    L Nodelman (71) ;
    M Baron (524) ;
    H Kinburn (317)
    S Costrell (558) ;
    Samuel Rosenthal (23) ;
    A A Glick (521) (317)

Links to Places :