State-wide burial index (extract) as of Friday, October 11, 2024. Includes links to all available headstone images.
     Celia Solovich Eaton 18 Nov 1895 - 5 Sep 1956 Mt Sinai -- J J15a-S headstone image one -- two
     Louis J Epstein Eaton Layzer Yaaqov b. Barukh Mordechai 24 Apr 1902 - 10/17/1981 Mt Sinai -- F F295/F296-F2 headstone image one -- two
     David Ebenstein 1904 - 7/2/1981 BethElMemPark -- E E005-1 headstone image one
     Evelyn Ebenstein 1913 - 11/9/1999 BethElMemPark -- E E005-2 headstone image one
     Ezekiel Edelstein 1857 - 4 May 1930 Smith St -- Main
     Harry Edelston Gershon b. Y'khezqel 1882 - Mt Sinai -- I IMG 2239
     Harry Edelstone 1882 - 9 Sept 1975 Mt Sinai -- F F137-S headstone image one
     Benjamin / Isadore Benjamin Edison Yitzchak Berel ben Yosef Dov 7 May 1894 - 13/11/1965 Mt Sinai -- J J226/J227-F2
     Bessie Zwonkin Edison Baila bat Eliahu HaCohen 19-Jan-97 - 3/3/1994 Mt Sinai -- J J226/J227-F2
     Helen C or R Cohen Egan Cheenada Rachel bet Moseh 1927 - 11/3/1993 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- R R-2 headstone image one
     John R Egan - 1/28/1989 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- R R-1? headstone image one
     Isa Ehrlich Aug 1892 - 5 Feb 1893 Smith St -- Main
     Israel Ehrlick abt 1874 - 9/12/1956 Mt Sinai -- J J93-F2
     David Einbinder abt 1903 - 10/27/1964 Mt Carmel -- Main TBD
     Fannie Stairman Einbinder 25-Dec-11 - 9/13/1993 Mt Carmel -- Main
     Esta / Esther Z Branz Eisenberg Esther Zelda b. Yaaqov 1 Sep 1906 - 28 Jan 1958 Mt Sinai -- J J22-F4 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Ida S Eisenman 12-Jan-12 - 18-Sep-92 Mt Nebo, Miami, FL --
     Arthur A Eisenstadt 26-Nov-01 - 8-Dec-94 Mt Sinai -- A A65/A65a-F2
     Helen Schwartz Eisenstadt Hinda Rachel bat Eliezer 24 Nov 1902 - 2/26/1982 Mt Sinai -- A A65/A65a-F2
     Ada Kalman / Klaiman Elfman Ayda b. Yisrael Yud'l 1 Jan 1920 - 22 March 1954 Mt Sinai -- H H17-S headstone image one
     Aaron Elizar - MT Sinai -- G G108-S
     Loring Jacobson Ellen - BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- K K-12
     Harry Ellis abt 1897 - BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- E E-28
     Howard M Ellis 13 SEP 1930 - 26 Jul 2014 unknown --
     Stanley Irvin Ellis 12 Jan 1917 - 14 Feb 1999 Center Cmty; Somers, CT --
     Abraham B "Abe" Elowitch 22 July 1917 - 11/21/2010 BethElMemPark -- C C057-1 headstone image one
     Adele Sylvia Elowitch 1926 - 1/23/1927 Mt Sinai -- HX headstone image one
     Frances Marilyn Posternak Elowitch 30 Oct 1913 - 3/14/1997 BethElMemPark -- C C056-3 headstone image one -- two
     Ida Elowitch - Mt Sinai -- G G375-S
     Julius Elowitch 8 Dec 1913 - 11/18/2005 BethElMemPark -- C C056-4 headstone image one
     Lillian Freda / Lillian Ida / Ida Glovsky Elowitch 1889 - 17 Dec 1927 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Maurice Elowitch 5/22/1912 - 4/7/1982 BethElMemPark -- C C055-1 headstone image one -- two
     Norma R. Gottschalk Elowitch 31 March 1942 - 11/25/2013 BethElMemPark -- E E030-2 headstone image one
     Rose / Rachel B Modes Elowitch Rachel bat Eliezer Yitzchak HaLevi 1920 - 6/23/1985 BethElMemPark -- C C057-2 headstone image one
     Samuel M "Sam" Elowitch Shimshon b. Y'hudah Layb 1891 - 9 June 1934 Mt Sinai -- H H44-S headstone image one
     Sylvia Sanders Elowitch 5-17-14 - 10/5/2009 BethElMemPark -- C C055-2 headstone image one -- two
     Yudy Elowitch 8 Dec 1913 - 11/18/2005 BethElMemPark -- C C056-4
     Gertrude K / Getta Emanuel abt 1881 - 4/26/1940 Mt Sinai -- D D headstone image one
     Isaac Emanuel abt 1878 - 28 Feb 1961 Mt Sinai -- J J63-F2 headstone image one
     Maria Emanuel 1909 - 1/31/1909 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Samuel Emanuel 1906 - 5/27/1908 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Nathan Emden - nov 3 1937 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- B B-55 headstone image one
     Louis A Emdur 1895 - 1936 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- B B-57 headstone image one
     Rachel Hindler Emdur c 1869 - 1928 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- B B-56 headstone image one
     Stephen Talbot Emery Shumuel ben Avraham 22 May 1948 - 25 May 2015 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 241
     Abraham O / Ausher Emple Avram Oishe B.R. Moishe Aviah 8/28/1874 - 6/20/1974 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- A A-9 headstone image one
     Arthur Selig Emple 1935 - BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- B B-11
     Dorothy Emple Dinah BR Shmuell Shackna 1906 - BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- L L-10 headstone image one
     Gertrude Ida Emple Chie Gittle bas reb Moshe Labe 3/1/1871 - 1964 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- A A-14 headstone image one
     Herbert C Emple Kopple Hirsh B.R. Avram Osher abt 1926 - 12/15/1976 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- O O-1 headstone image one
     Hyman W Emple Chaim Zef B.R. Auram Ausher 4/12/1912 - 6/11/1970 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- R R-3 headstone image one
     Irving Emple Yitzchak Dov ben Avroham Asher 16-Dec-21 - 3/12/2012 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- F F-21 headstone image one
     Israel Zelik / Zelig Emple Ezriel Zeliek ben Zeiv 5/15/1867 - 1/8/1933 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- E E-19
     Joseph Emple Joseph B.R. Schmuel Schakua Aug 1905 - 4/22/1970 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- K K-10 headstone image one
     Katie Richardson Emple Kaila 4/12/1888 - 9/2/1961 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- A A-10 headstone image one
     Lawrence M "Larry" Emple Mordecai Johanan BR Avram Ausher 7/30/1930 - 10/17/1968 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- S S-3 headstone image one
     Lillian E Rudman Emple Levka bat Moshe 2/10/1904 - 12/1/1994 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- H H-26 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Mary Kamen / Kankowitz/Kamenkovitz Emple Mary bas Zalman 1881 - 12/10/1960 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- L L-9 headstone image one
     Maurice L Emple 9/4/1914 - 10/4/1998 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- H H-22 headstone image one
     Mollie Cohen Emple Michah bat Dov Cohen 26-Nov-03 - 6/10/2005 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- K K-9 headstone image one
     Morris L Emple Moisheleib B.R. Shmuel Shackna 1/8/1914 - 2/19/1971 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- L L-11 headstone image one
     Samuel S Emple Shmuel Shackna B.R. Moshe Arye 5/15/1891 - 11/3/1933 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- E E-17
     Sarah S Emple Sarah Bat Yisrael Zelig 1/16/1908 - 6/24/1984 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- A A-13 headstone image one
     Velvil / William Emple - BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- E E-18
     William H emple Emple Chayyim … ben Israel Zelman 9/22/1894 - 12/10/1959 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- B B-14 headstone image one
     Minnie / Minna/Mindel Berliawsky Entin April 1858 - March 22, 1906 Hebrew Cemetery --
     Ernest Eppinger 3/18/1908 - 5/26/1969 Mt Sinai -- A A387-F2 headstone image one
     Ite Schlesinger Eppinger 9/15/1914 - 7/23/2009 Mt Sinai -- A A387-F2
     A Leonard Epstein 1-Sep-12 - 10/12/1918 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- G G-38 headstone image one -- two
     Abraham Epstein abt 1884 - BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- B B-44 headstone image one -- two
     Abram Epstein Avroham ben Elizar 8/18/1868 - 7/21/1938 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- H H-38 headstone image one -- two
     Anna Rose Hutner Epstein Oct 30, 1900 - July 29, 1980 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- B B-45 headstone image one -- two
     Aschur / Archie Epstein abt 1885 - 1931 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- D D-30 headstone image one -- two
     Bessie Epstein 1894 - Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Betsy Epstein 1889 - 9 Apr 1889 Smith St -- Main
     Daniel S Epstein 26-Feb-11 - 10/7/1996 BethElMemPark -- E E109-1 headstone image one -- two
     David Epstein Yitzchak Dov ben Mordechai Halevi 1885 - 12/25/1951 Mt Sinai -- F F57-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Edwin H "Eddie" Epstein 5/15/1873 - 4/24/1926 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- D D-31 headstone image one -- two
     Esther Epstein Ester b. Eliyahu 1834 - 16 Jan 1894 Smith St -- Main headstone image one -- two
     Ette H Epstein 1879 - 12/14/1968 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- E E-31 headstone image one -- two
     Gertrude Epstein … bat Rav Israel hacohen 1889 - 10/6/1971 Mt Sinai -- F F57-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Harold R "Harry" Epstein Peasah ben 'rBaruch Mordechi 5 Jan 1905 - 8/18/1987 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- Q Q-14 headstone image one
     Harry Epstein Dec. 9, 1891 - Jan. 28, 1970 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- B B-42 headstone image one -- two
     Harry H Epstein r'Tzi Hersh ben Yosef Nata 7/4/1877 - 5/3/1962 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- P P-10 headstone image one
     Helen Naomi Brill Epstein 5/26/1920 - 6/7/2000 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- B B-40 headstone image one -- two
     Herman Epstein 13-4-1920 - 25-03-2007 Falmouth Jewish Cemetary --
     Hyman C Epstein abt 1865 - 1932 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- B B-26 headstone image one -- two
     Hyman J Epstein 1/29/1911 - 11/3/1913 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- E E-30 headstone image one -- two
     Ida E Goldsmith Epstein Chaya Ester bat r'Koteel Yitzchak 1/12/1889 - 11/15/1960 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- P P-9 headstone image one
     Isabelle C Charak Epstein 4/10/1891 - 10/27/1975 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- M M-4 headstone image one
     Israel Epstein abt 1850 - September 9, 1930 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- D D-32 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Jake "Jock" Epstein 28 May 1885 - 04-Jan-1950 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- D D-27 headstone image one -- two
     Joseph Epstein abt 1910 - Mt Sinai -- G G381-S
     Julia "Hatty" Zruikerman / Zuckerman Epstein abt 1852 - 20 Oct 1919 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- D D-33 headstone image one -- two
     Julius Epstein abt 1879 - 23 Oct 1964 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- D D-34 headstone image one
     Kathryn Epstein 10/1/1903 - 4/22/1981 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- A A-29 headstone image one
     Lawrence M Epstein 7/17/1911 - 8/31/1926 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- E E-29
     Lillian Epstein 3/12/1896 - Sep 27 1944 TempleShalomCem -- A 135 headstone image one
     Marjorie M Epstein Feb 10 1916 - 13 May 1989 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- E E-32 headstone image one -- two
     Max B Epstein 1874 - 4/19/1937 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- D D-19 headstone image one -- two
     Morris Epstein Moshe ben David Mordechai HaLevi abt 1884 - 7/4/1960 Mt Sinai -- J J18A-F4 headstone image one -- two
     Morris Epstein - 12/17/1940 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- A A-28 headstone image one
     Myer W Epstein 1890 - 12/4/1960 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- M M-3 headstone image one
     Nathan Epstein Nakhum b"r Ephrayim 1834 - 2 March 1914 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Nathan Epstein 1898 - BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- E E-45
     Nathan Epstein 11/1/1904 - 10/18/1981 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- A A-18 headstone image one
     Rebecca Z Epstein Rivka Zelda b. Mosheh Yitzchak abt 1888 - 10/7/1951 Mt Sinai -- J J147-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Rita Epstein 1913 - 10/31/1988 BethElMemPark -- C C090-5 headstone image one
     Robert Epstein Reuven b. Yosef abt 1885 - 11/22/1968 Mt Sinai -- J J147-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Rose Kaminsky Epstein Raisel bat Yaakov abt 1882 - 8/24/1955 Mt Sinai -- J J18A-F4 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Rose Epstein - 1/27/1947 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- A A-27 headstone image one
     Rose H Epstein 1912 - 8/18/1984 BethElMemPark -- E E109-2 headstone image one -- two
     Samuel Epstein 1909 - 9/3/1992 Mt Sinai -- J J289-S
     Samuel B / Simon Epstein 4/5/1867 - Jan 19 1941 TempleShalomCem -- A 121 headstone image one
     Sarah Alperterm Epstein Sarah bat Menchas Jan 1884 - 3/28/1937 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- H H-37 headstone image one -- two
     Sarah C Alperowitz/Cohen Epstein Sarah bat Natan Hakohen abt 1876 - BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- N N-4 headstone image one
     Sarah Z Zaretsky Epstein abt 1869 - 1944 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- C C-10 headstone image one -- two
     Sarrah Epstein Sarah bat r'Reuvan 20 February 1902 - 6 Nov 1921 Mt Sinai -- TBD headstone image one -- two
     Sidney Epstein abt 1914 - BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- B B-41
     [FirstNameNotKnown] Epstein - Mt Sinai -- J TBD
     Philip Erlich Pesak b"r Shimon Zvi 1853 - 4/13/1908 Smith St -- Main headstone image one -- two
     Alexander H / Alex Erlick Aleksander Hirsh b. Yisrael Erlikh 1905 - 6/24/1958 Mt Sinai -- J J194/J195/J196/J197-F4 headstone image one -- two
     Etta Erlick Etel Devorah bat Aharon - Mt Sinai -- G G237-S2
     Hyman "Hi" Erlick Chayim ben Israel 19-Nov-06 - 10-Jul-90 Mt Sinai -- F F266/F267-F2 headstone image one -- two
     John Erlick - 6/15/1938 Mt Sinai -- J J55-S2 headstone image one -- two
     Louis Karl Erlick Aqiba Eliezer b. Pesakh abt 1878 - 1-Sep-60 Mt Sinai -- J J194/J195/J196/J197-F4 headstone image one -- two
     Payson Erlick Peakh b. Yisrael Erlikh 1907 - Nov. 29, 1976 Mt Sinai -- J J179-S headstone image one -- two
     Philip Klain Erlick 4 Jul 1909 - 6/27/1996 BethElMemPark -- F F002-3 headstone image one
     Rose Etta Albling Erlick Rachel Etta bat Pesach 1909 - 1/31/1985 Mt Sinai -- F F266/F267-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Sarah Rosenbloom Erlick Sarah b. Hersh'l Meir abt 1893 - 30-Jul-64 Mt Sinai -- J J194/J195/J196/J197-F4 headstone image one -- two
     Sarah Abrahamson Erlick Sarah Dinah bat Moshe Tzvi ca 1878 - 4/9/1942 Mt Sinai -- J J93-F2 headstone image one
     Hugo Ernst 1868 - 3/13/1946 Mt Carmel -- Main TBD
     Abraham Etelsong 1874 - 12/13/1910 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Bessie Etscovitz 1897 - 1977 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- B B-10 headstone image one -- two
     Ellis Etscovitz 8/27/1902 - 12/18/1959 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- A A-11 headstone image one
     Harry Louis Etscovitz 8 Dec 1920 - 30-Oct-2000 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- E E-14 headstone image one -- two
     Jacob Etscovitz 1/10/1874 - 10/15/1946 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- B B-9 headstone image one -- two
     Louis Etscovitz abt 1852 - 10/31/1916 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- B B-33 headstone image one -- two
     Martin Etscovitz - BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- E E-13
     Rose Leah Golub Etscovitz - 16 Feb 1924 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- B B-34 headstone image one -- two
     Aryeh or Mordechai Ettelson Aryeh b. Hayyim Zvi - Mt Sinai -- G G108-S headstone image one
     Max Evall - 8/15/1931 Berliawsky-SmallCem -- Main 3 headstone image one
     Adrienne Evans 29 March 1924 - 8/21/2007 BethElMemPark -- E E170-6 headstone image one -- two
     Gerard Evans 12 May 1922 - 8/6/1997 BethElMemPark -- E E170-5 headstone image one -- two
     Rassia Evans Rachel Evvens bat R' Shlomoh David 1864 - 12/23/1922 Smith St -- Main headstone image one