State-wide burial index (extract) as of Friday, October 11, 2024. Includes links to all available headstone images.
     Frances T Silverman Ober Tevka (?) Zel bat r'Sharga - BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 1 Row 2C plot 46 headstone image one
     Leonard David Obler 1924 - 12/9/2001 BethElMemPark -- F F headstone image one -- two
     Babette Oestrich 1884 - BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 3 Row 3 Plot 1 headstone image one
     Baruch Oestrich 1881 - BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 3 Row 3 Plot 2 headstone image one
     Edith Oestrich 4/7/1900 - 3/17/1970 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 3 Row 9 Plot 1 headstone image one
     Ellen Y Oestrich 1953 - 5/26/1905 TempleShalomCem -- B 55 headstone image one
     Leslie Oestrich 3/12/1887 - 5/1/1976 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 3 Row 9 Plot 2 headstone image one
     Ralph Oestrich 1921 - 6/28/1905 TempleShalomCem -- B 57 headstone image one
     Adolph Henry Offenberg 1932 - 6/21/1964 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- B B-31 headstone image one
     Ida Offenberg 1900 - 4/9/1981 BethElMemPark -- E E052-2 headstone image one
     William E Offenberg Zev Mend'l b"r Yhudah Ofenberg 1895 - 11/10/1946 Mt Carmel -- Main 39 headstone image one
     Belle Judelshon Ogens 3/29/1902 - 12/27/1985 Smith St -- Main headstone image one -- two
     Barbara M Feinstein Ollove 17 May 1922 - 2/11/2003 BethElMemPark -- E E060-3 headstone image one
     Augusta Olstein Nital (sp?) bas Mordechai Shulma 5/7/1911 - Jan 24 2004 TempleShalomCem -- G 527 headstone image one
     JACOB "Jack" Olstein Avraham Yaacov ben Yitzchak 9/26/1909 - 3/3/2009 TempleShalomCem -- G 526 headstone image one
     David Omar - Mt Sinai -- S S
     Benjamin "Ben" Oppenheim 1891 - 12/31/1961 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- R R-15
     Frances Sylvia Friedman Oppenheim 5/6/1890 - 2/7/1987 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- R R-14
     Anna Oransky 4/18/1898 - 21 July 1979 Mt Sinai -- F F14-F4
     Jacob David / J D Oransky Yaacov Dovid ben Yitzchak 5/10/1877 - 2/13/1939 Mt Sinai -- F F14-F4
     Jennie Levi Oransky Zelda bat Avraham 1890 c - 5/2/1980 Mt Sinai -- A A393-D headstone image one
     Joseph Oransky Yudah ben Yitzchak HaCohen 1883 - 1 Feb 1969 Mt Sinai -- A A393-D headstone image one
     Leah Oransky Leah bat rav Yaacov - 1/19/1959 Mt Sinai -- F F14-F4
     Louis Oransky Leib . . . Ben Yaacov - Mt Sinai -- F F14-F4
     Marcia Ida Gordon Oransky Chaya Masha bat Shalom 12 Feb 1897 - 19 July 1990 Mt Sinai -- A A396/A93a-D headstone image one
     Morris Eli Oransky Eliahu Moshe ben Yitzchak HaCohen 12 Feb 1897 - 8 Jan 1966 Mt Sinai -- A A396/A93a-D headstone image one
     Rebecca Simansky Oransky Rivqah b"r Ya'aqov Aransqy 9 June 1882 - 2/13/1931 Smith St -- Main headstone image one -- two
     Dorothy Kamen, Kamenkovitz Ornstein abt 1918 - 01-May-1987 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- E E-15 headstone image one -- two
     Joseph G Ornstein 18 Oct 1914 - 18-Nov-1985 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- E E-16 headstone image one -- two
     Alfred H Osher 2 Aug 1918 - 3/21/1999 BethElMemPark -- E E034-3 headstone image one -- two
     Leah Lazarovich Osher Leah b. Eliezer Mend'l 9 May 1898 - 25 Jun 1979 Mt Sinai -- J J25-F8 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Mary L / Margaret Osher 1924 - 12/3/1979 BethElMemPark -- E E035-4 headstone image one -- two
     Samuel "Sam" Osher Zusman b. Eliyahu 10 March 1889 - 17 Apr 1951 Mt Sinai -- J J25-F8 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Samuel "Sam" Osher 1953 - 3/13/1997 BethElMemPark -- E E025-3 headstone image one
     William J Osher 1921 - 3/25/2008 BethElMemPark -- E E035-3 headstone image one
Osherowitz (born Ginsburg)
     Ida Osherovitz Osherowitz (born Ginsburg) Chaya Gittle / Chaya Gita 11 January 1864 - 25 Dec 1932 Mt Sinai -- G G357-S
     Paul E OUELLETTE 17-Aug-25 - 3/13/1981 Maine Veterans Memorial Cemetery (Augusta) -- DC Section: DC Row: 4 Site: 9